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“I can’t tell you anything because there is nothing”

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, assured this Wednesday that he had “greater conviction” than the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration and the Ciudad Real airport administration . They have been exchanging emails for “already 15 days” on the government’s plans to install in its facilities a detention center for immigrants arriving irregularly in Spain.

“We are discovering and we are receiving information about how they literally tried to hide a decision from us,” Page told the media, adding: “If it is true that they have been exchanging draft contracts with the company for weeks, behind the back of the Administration, which is responsible for health, social services and so many things in the territory, we would be facing the most blatant case of institutional disloyalty“.

And he pointed the finger at the Government Delegation of Castile-La Mancha, of which “it hurts to know that there were meetings in which it was involved”, while the Council “knew nothing about it”. It must be explained that the government delegate is Milagros Tolón, who succeeded Page as mayor of Toledo (she was between 2015 and 2023), although we know that she has always supported Pedro Sánchez in the face of continued criticism of his government colleagues. Regional PSOE.

Furthermore, Page rejects the use of the airport to welcome immigrants, comparing this idea to what the Italian government of Giorgia Meloni is achieving in Albania. “What progressive or reactionary model do you want to propose in the reception centers?” asked the regional president, for whom “from a humanitarian point of view” it is “what causes him the most concern and uncertainty.”

On the other hand, ABC contacted CRIA (Ciudad Real International Airport), the current company that owns the airport. Rafael Gómez Arribas, its general director, did not want to make any statement on this subject. “I can’t tell you anything because there is nothing”was the only thing he said before hanging up. And the same Luis Torrente, airport director, who apologized saying “I can’t help you.”

The first plane took off from Ciudad Real in 2008, but just three years later it closed due to lack of demand. CRIA bought it in 2016 for 56.2 million euros, being clear that it failed to revive the activity. Flights resumed almost symbolically in 2019, and in recent times the airport has seen more activity as a set for filming commercials and films. And during the pandemic, this was used to bring masks from China.

This Tuesday, during the debate on the state of the region, Page revealed that the company which manages the airport “has relations with a certain Aldama, who, moreover, tried to sneak in our masks, but the Minister of Health was ready.” “.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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