Friday, September 20, 2024 - 8:14 am
HomeTop Stories"I don't know if he was prepared for the sentence."

“I don’t know if he was prepared for the sentence.”

Daniel Sancho was sentenced to life in prison for him murdera year ago by surgeon Edwin Arrieta in Thailand. The court also decided that compensation of 107,000 euros will be awarded to Arrieta’s family.

The lawyer Beatriz de Vicente who could have been in Thailand while trial against Daniel Sancho assures in Al Rojo Vivo that “Daniel was very confident that he could win This trial, something that surprises me.

Because as Vicente acknowledges, “it is also part of the defense, especially in such a difficult case, to prepare your client for a negative scenario, especially with such heavy incriminating evidence.” And “I don’t know if Daniel Sancho was prepared for what seemed obvious to me, which is a conviction,” the lawyer emphasizes. Inside video We can see his reflection in its entirety.




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