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HomeLatest News“I find it very funny that you defend Franco’s position with Israel”

“I find it very funny that you defend Franco’s position with Israel”

The former leader of Podemos and former vice-president of the government, Pablo Iglesiashas been profiled for its criticism of Israel, after Iran launched more than 200 missiles against the Hebrew country in retaliation for Israeli attacks on Hamas terrorists in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. “I find it very funny that defend Franco’s position with Israel“, a journalist snaps at him during a debate in a podcast to denounce the former Podemita leader, alluding to dictator Francisco Franco’s criticism of Israel in the 1960s as the communists moved toward the agricultural communes that were a socialist experiment and ended up being a success: the kibbutzim.

In this debate, Pablo Iglesias uses all kinds of insults against Israel, ensuring that it is a “Terrorist state” and that it is a country “associated with ethnic cleansing, apartheid and violence against its neighbors”, despite the fact that the Hebrew country must defend itself from several attacks like the last one carried out by the Iran or that its goal is to end Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

“I think it’s getting harder and harder. It is increasingly difficult to imagine a binational state, a state in which the rights of all citizens would be respected, whatever their origin, their beliefs, their cultural affiliation. And that puts on the table the big problem, which is that the big problem is the existence of Israel as an expression of a type of European colonialism “which is incompatible with what were defined as democratic values ​​in the 20th century,” he asserts.

For her part, the journalist Rebecca Argudo remember that Israel is defending itself against attacks carried out by Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists, who are hiding in neighboring countries. “We have reached a point where dialogue is no longer useful and this conflict is becoming so entrenched that we have reached a war. War, obviously, is that, by definition, the first thing it will do is ignore human rights“, he emphasizes.

“We come from a history of chained conflicts that we have failed to stop. We are reaching the point of legitimizing a terrorist group against which Israel defends itself. Israel’s response was inadequate. The main thing would be to stop this escalation“, says Agudo in the last podcast of Raw meatin which the former leader of Podemos also participates.

The climax of the debate comes when Pablo Iglesias explains that Israel must become a “democratic state in which being Palestinian does not imply ethnic cleansing or apartheid.” “Pablo, I find it very funny because in the 60s, Franco was against the State of Israel and the communists went to the kibbutz and I never thought I would defend the communists by your side as you defend Franco’s position. So I’m very excited,” Argudo says in his response.

“I believe that I have not defended Franco’s position and I believe that we are having a sufficiently respectful debate and that I am not using other types of more aggressive arguments in the debate,” responds Pablo Iglesias, visibly angry. “It wasn’t aggressive“I say that you agree with this position and that I find it curious,” Argudo emphasizes.

Ridiculous about Venezuela

In this same podcastPablo Iglesias has already made a fool of himself by displaying his ignorance of Venezuela despite his defense of the Chavista regime of Nicolas Maduro. The former Podemos leader insinuated that people think about Venezuela without knowing the country, implying that he knows the subject well. He did it to leave no argument Marta Nébotgiven that the journalist said that “the left is wrong to defend figures like Maduro” who are “pure authoritarianism”.

The former vice-president of the Executive interrupted Nebot to ask him the following question: “Could you name 5 cities in Venezuela? “You talk about Venezuela as if you know a lot about it and I ask you about five cities.” She, for her part, refused to play the game so as to “not take this type of exam”.

The show’s host decided to examine Pablo Iglesias in the same way. “By the way, just to know something, five Venezuelan cities? Could you tell me? to know them», he asked, to which the former podemita leader reacted with a simple movement of the shoulders with which he made it clear that he did not have the knowledge to answer his own question. And, of course, he didn’t reveal in hushed tones the five cities he had originally asked about.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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