Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 6:21 pm
HomeBreaking News"I hope it's largely up to par"

“I hope it’s largely up to par”

There were no surprises. Carlos’s bodyMinister of Economy, confirmed that José Luis Escriva will be the next governor of the Bank of Spain. During the presentation of the candidate chosen by the Government, the head of Commerce and Business said that he had confidence in the “capacity” of the current minister and that he would be “more than up to the task.”

“We are dealing with a person who has held positions of the highest responsibility in each of the Bank of Spain’s areas of action,” defended Corps before the Economy Commission of the Congress of Deputies. The Extremadura native stressed that Escrivá “has the technical qualification requiredaccredited by the most important financial institutions and public and private organizations.

SO, Pedro Sánchez will propose the name of José Luis Escriva to the king to occupy the position of governor of the Bank of Spain for the next six years. His definitive appointment will be published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), which could arrive as early as this Thursday.

“The term of the previous governor, Pablo Hernández de Cos, ended on June 11 and that of the vice-governor on September 11. It was imperative to present a candidate“, recalled the Minister of Economy. He will thus be able to attend next week the next monetary policy meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, which will be held on September 12.

To defend this ability, The organization highlighted Escrivá’s work as head of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), as well as leading the ECB’s monetary policy division during the adoption of the single currency. In the same vein, he also highlighted his most recent experience at the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Civil Service, which places him in “an ideal position for the transformation” of the supervisor.

In addition, the minister assured that Escrivá has “in-depth knowledge” of the Bank of Spain itselfsince it is the institution to which he belongs as a public official and in which he spent part of his career.




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