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HomeLatest News"I pray for all the poor in our city"

“I pray for all the poor in our city”

Always attentive to all the realities of Córdoba, Bishop Demetrio Fernández prayed for the most needy in the presence of Our Lady of Fuensanta, patron saint of the city, in the sanctuary. “I ask you for all the poor in our city: those who do not have work, who suffer from illness or who do not have a home.”

He recalled his recent visits to the poorest neighborhoods and, beyond, to the fourteen colonies “of people who have neither a house nor land to build one: more than 600 people, inhabitants of this city, the poorest and the poorest.” It is engraved in my soul: children, young couples, very extreme situations: without water, without electricity, without anything. And they are fellow citizens,” he said during the homily.

At the mass of solemnity The Virgin of Fuensanta thought of these people this Sunday so that “we can generate coexistence, equality, justice and peace.”

Previously, the prelate had prayed “especially for the authorities, for all the projects who are moving forward, I give as an example the Logistics Base, an emblematic work.

The Eucharist, filled with the faithful of the Virgin, was concelebrated by the Chapter of the Cathedral and accompanied by songs from the Choir of the Cathedral of Cordoba. Once again, as the day before, in the Cathedral there was an institutional representation of the mayor and the president of the Provincial Council, as well as civil and military authorities.

The president of the Association of Brotherhoods was also present, Manuel Murillowho took the oath on Saturday in the Cathedral before the image which is also the patron saint of this organization.

The Virgin of Fuensanta remained on the pass, after a whole day of procession to return home. Demetrio Fernández stressed that September 8, the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, is a solemnity in Córdoba, where “all of Córdoba goes to the Virgin of Fuensanta.”

THE white roses and tuberoses for the day when he will receive thousands of visits from devotees from his neighborhood and the entire city. “It is the day of our Mother, Patroness of Córdoba and protector, as Mother, of all its inhabitants,” said Monsignor Fernández.

Regarding the image, he stressed that in it is realized “that smallness” and that humility that Mary had: “It is surely one of the smallest in the province of Cordoba,” he said, referring to its size.

The Virgin appeared in 1420 accompanied by the martyrs of Cordoba, Saint Acisclo and Saint Victoria, and was crowned in 1994as recalled in the opening statement. Popular devotion was born in the 15th century and continues to this day.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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