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“I want to prove my innocence”

A week after his arrest for alleged sexual assault, Rafa Look (Cartagena, 1997) has publicly broken his silence with a statement. The Spanish striker, who spent two nights in a cell before testifying before the judge, defends his innocence and has apologized to his current club, the Valence.

The entity must decide this Monday on the employment situation of Rafa Mir, given that the first team will resume training in the afternoon (18:00) with the doubt as to the presence or not of the striker. Valencia gave its player two days off, plus the weekend like the rest of the team, after his departure from Court of First Instance and Instruction Number 8 of Llíria.

In Valencia, all possible options have been considered, from cancelling Mir’s loan to his reinstatement in the team, respecting the presumption of innocence. The club has also spoken with the captains of the locker room and the coach. Ruben Bridge. Also the SevilleThe club that owns the rights to the striker is closely monitoring the movements in the city of Turia.

Statement by Rafa Mir

“After a period of reflection, I wish to affirm my innocence, reiterating the content of the statement of my lawyer Jaime Campaner.

As soon as he was able to get down to business on an equal footing with the charges, the case took a significant turn that shows how unfounded the complaint is.

I have full confidence in the Justice Administration of this country, with which I have collaborated from the first minute to clarify the facts.

For all this, I would like to express my most sincere and deepest apologies to my club, Valencia CF, to the coaching staff, to my teammates and especially to the Valencian fans, for not having respected, even on a day off, the strict schedules. What is expected of a professional and even more so after a start to the season far from our expectations. Now, as a professional footballer, all my energies are focused on helping my Club and my teammates.

I don’t want to forget to thank my family for the love and support they have shown me at all times. Your love and truth will get me through this traumatic situation I am going through.

That said, following the advice of my lawyer, we will work in court and not in the media or social networks.”




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