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“I will not back down”

The Valencian Government, which presides over the popular Carlos Mazon This Monday, he consummated the approval and presentation before the Constitutional Court of his appeal for unconstitutionality against the Amnesty Law of the President of the government the socialist Pedro Sanchez. A law that the President of the Generalitat described as “legislative aberration“.

The Valencian Executive presented this appeal on a day when the governments of the Valencian Community also presented theirs in cascade. Community of MadridAndalusia and Aragon. All did it four days after this September 5, the PP of Feijóo also presented his. This Tuesday it will be added Castile-Leon.

Specifically, as indicated in the appeal filed with the Constitutional Court by the Valencian Government, to which OKDIARIO has had access, the Mazón Executive asks the High Court “to consider filing an appeal of unconstitutionality against articles 1 to 16” of the aforementioned law “and the first, second and third legal provisions of Organic Law 1/2024 of June 10.” That is, the entire law.

And demands that he accept its declaration of unconstitutionality and nullity by rightin the postulated terms. The expression by right is used to describe in legal jargon those anddefects that occur without request or demand from theand that they are produced by the legal norm itself.

“Notorious and embarrassing link” with the PSOE

The Valencian call for the amnesty law includes the recusal of three magistrates “for their notorious and embarrassing link with the Socialist Party“, as explained by Mazón, who also highlighted the link of these judges with the decisions adopted by the government of Pedro Sánchez regarding the process.

These magistrates are the President of the High Court Candido Conde Pumpido; the magistrate Juan Carlos Campo and the magistrate Laura DiezThe first two were ministers of Pedro Sánchez.

As for Laura Díez, according to Mazón, the reason for her recusal is that she held positions in the Generalitat of Catalonia, “having participated, also and in addition, in the development of the proposals that led to thetest pardons granted to persons convicted of criminal acts of the process“.

“Not a step back”

In the institutional statement that Mazón delivered, the Valencian president also sent a message to those in Catalonia “who encourage this supremacist entelechy”, that of Catalan countries. And he warned those in the Valencian Community “who have watered the ideology of the process with hundreds of thousands of euros in subsidies over the past eight years“that they are losing all hope,” in what was a clear reference to the executive of the socialist Ximo Puig, Compromís Podemos.

To both, Mazón sent the same idea as his government and himself: “We will not back down in the defense of this land and its signs of identity.

The Valencian government is appealing the amnesty law, as the Valencian president explains, because “presents as true and approves the sovereignist narrativewhich ends with the idea of ​​a consultation to exercise the right to self-determination, achieve the independence of Catalonia and realize the dream of the Catalan countries“.

Mazón also warned that with the amnesty law, the presidency of the government of all Spaniards “depends entirely and full-time on the enjoyment by some of the privileges obtained”, which consecrates “a Spain with two, three or four speeds” in which priority “will be given to the claims of a single territory and with the remainder it will be necessary to be satisfied with all the others”.

This is, according to the Valencian president, “the reconciled Spain, according to Pedro Sánchez.” The Spain where “The convenience of one part takes precedence over the coexistence of the whole.. “Spain, where the interest of each person is worth more than the equality of all.”

Faced with all this, Mazón stressed that his government “does not recognize itself in this model.” Because their idea of ​​coexistence in freedom “opposes those who defend separatism and those who today depend on him to remain politically alive,” another allusion to Pedro Sánchez and his government.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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