In the era of superhero cinema, The boys emerged as a satire on studio commerciality and exploitation of a genre whose interest has waned over the past year. However, the fiction produced by Prime Video has continued to create new intrigues season after season, with the added difficulty of continuing to surprise an audience who has already seen how the story has become brutality, sex and gore in the cape that makes the winds of his story flutter. Thus, like any phenomenon which initially breaks with what is established, the creator Eric Kripke just reflected on the latent fear that the series would end up becoming what it initially began to parody.
For four seasons, the humans and super-powered characters from the world of The boys clashed in the catalog of the Amazon-owned platform, becoming one of the most followed stories by fans of the series since the adaptation began in 2019. Just before the start of the last season, it was revealed that the fifth would be the end of the journey of the main protagonists of the story. From Hughie (Jack Quaid), until Butcher (Karl Urban), through what is clearly one of the best villains the modern small screen has left behind. For some, these goodbyes were a blow, while others believed that the series had acquired a downward trend where it was better to end the main plot at the top, before, as Kripke rightly puts it, The boys ends up becoming “what he swore to destroy» or rather, this corporatism of franchises, entertainment and merchandising with which intellectual property mocks the UCM of Marvel and DC.
The end of “The Boys”
In this way, Eric Kripke is one of those who sees the end so close that unlike the others ultra recognized seriesdid not want to reach a sixth season. A number common to most television successes which would surely have been viewed favorably by Prime Video. Which does not mean, on the other hand, that its expanded universe will end with the End of Vought? In 2022, the platform created the short animated series The boys: evil and they are currently developing the second season of Gene Vlike the prequel Vought Rising.
This latest story will shed light on the early days of Vought, telling the story of how it eventually became the world’s largest multinational entertainment and security company. However, when the creator was asked about the existence of more possibilities for expansion of the universe of The boyswas very careful and showed his concern to become a superhero world
“We are going to analyze the chips we have on the table at the moment”Kripke began by telling Christina Radish in an interview for For your consideration from the middle Collider. Afterwards, he immediately spoke about what his biggest fear was in developing the series:
“I live in absolute terror of becoming what we have been ridiculing for five years. The thing about The Boys is that it’s punk rock, and it especially hurts when the punks sell out. I work very hard not to sell out. We do these shows because we really care about them and we are passionate about them (…) You can’t count on The boys and not only to grow quickly, but also to be very careful and aware of the decisions we make and to be able to defend why we made them. “I just want people to say, maybe it’s for them and maybe it’s not, but they have to be given credit for maintaining a consistent level of quality.”
For this reason and as Kripke explained about the expansion, it’s all a bit of a juggling act, between prequels, sequels and eventual fallout. “That’s what we’re trying to do. It’s a complicated balance, that’s for sure. Because there’s no question that we’re a franchise now, but we’re trying to do it with the greatest integrity that Hollywood can muster, which isn’t a lot, but it’s a little. The fifth season of The boys will happen at some point summer 2026.