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HomeLatest NewsIberaval defends the “central role” of guarantees to “mitigate crises”

Iberaval defends the “central role” of guarantees to “mitigate crises”

The general director of Iberaval, Pedro Pisonero, highlighted the “central role” played by guarantees and the institutions that provide them to “mitigate crises”, whether of “geopolitical, technological or climatic” type, and stressed that, during the pandemic, “Guarantees have been the solution for the survival of many companies”, while emphasizing that “climate change is also systemic”.

As part of XXVII Forum of Guarantee and Financing Systems for SMEs, organized in Tegucigalpa (Honduras), Pisonero, in his capacity as president of the Ibero-American Guarantee Network (REGAR), emphasized the importance for financial entities to be more proactive in the design of products “ad hoc” to deal with crises, whatever they may be. their nature, through the creation of innovative taxonomies, such as indexed insurance for people affected by unexpected natural situations, reports the entity in a press release.

Furthermore, he highlighted the “power of different guarantee models due to the “capacity” public resources must be made more effective in favor of businesses. He then urged financial entities to “take advantage of the products offered by institutions like Iberaval in Spain”, due to their “positive social impact, given that they allow companies to “protect themselves”, which also constitutes a “a solution to create jobs and wealth”, both in Spain and in Hispanic America, he said.

The first manager of Iberaval spoke of the solution imagined by the management company of the reciprocal guarantee fund of this country, Confianza SA-FGR, which implemented technological development supported by Artificial Intelligence, with enormous traceability and efficiency, which makes it possible to quantify the deforestation of agricultural land in order to automatically prepare files with the aim of obtaining or not the quality label that allows the sale of these foods in Europe.

In this context, the President of REGAR spoke of the increasing demands of the European Union towards potential exporters seeking to sell products on our continent, as is the case of Honduras, one of the largest coffee producers in the world.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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