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IBI remains at the legal minimum in 2025 and 90% is reduced for large families

The Government of Zaragoza has approved the draft Tax Ordinance 2025, which maintains the property tax rate (IBI) at the legal minimum, at 0.4, and subsidises it at 90% for large families whose house has a cadastral value of up to €40,000. euros, which is added to the 60% bonuses for large families of a general nature and 70% for those of a particular nature.

Likewise, the project includes “advantageous” tax conditions established in recent years in municipal capital gains, the tax on economic activities (IAE), the traffic tax, the tax on construction, installations and works (ICIO).

So, Zaragoza will remain the Spanish capital with the lowest tax burden in Spain in 2025. According to data recently published by the General Council of Economists, in Zaragoza the collection of municipal taxes and fees amounts to 459.18 euros per inhabitant per year. This is the lowest amount of the major Spanish capitals, since in Seville the average is 482.80 euros; Valencia 498.28; Barcelona 747.81 euros and Madrid 789.87 euros.

The city councilor for the Treasury and European Funds, Blanca Solans, explained that the city government continues to support “the principle of minimal fiscal intervention in the economic life of citizens to guarantee their economic freedom while advocating for the sustainability of the municipal treasury.”

The aim is to “guarantee equality for the people of Zaragoza and solidarity through the City Council’s tax policy,” he said. As part of the modernization and digitalization process undertaken in 2025, the amount of payments that can be paid through BIZUM or the virtual point of sale at the Virtual Tax Office of the Zaragoza City Council is being expanded. The limit for these virtual payments, which was previously set at 6,000 euros, is being extended to 30,000.

A tax plan to attract investment

The tax plan to attract investment in wealth- and job-generating businesses includes bonuses of up to 95% in ICIO, IBI and IAEif they carry out business expansions that involve an increase in the number of workers with a permanent contract in the municipality of Zaragoza.

Public rates for municipal swimming pools and nursery schools are maintained for another year because these are public services of great social importance. In the case of nursery schools, differentiated rates are maintained according to income and free for families with incomes of up to 314 euros per person. As a new feature, a bonus is introduced for multiple births and for families with two or more children attending nursery school.

Municipal swimming pools, in addition to maintaining popular prices, continue to offer discounts to young people, seniors, families with few resources, large families and people with disabilities.

Prices for the new Bizi service

In the tariffs of the new public bicycle service Bizi, the annual fee will be set at 60 euros, although The fare will be reduced to 40 euros in 2025as the installation of the new electric bikes begins.

In addition to the annual fee, this service will offer several innovative rates to promote the use of public bicycles among residents and visitors. There will be a monthly subscription of 10 euros and a daily subscription of 1 euro.

Improvements for citizens in 17 ordinances

The project opened 17 of the tax ordinances of the City Council of Zaragoza to introduce improvements for citizens, both in the section of tariffs and public prices.

For example, The deferral and advance payment of tax debts will be authorized, up to a limit of 50,000 euros.compared to 30,000 currently. Adapted vehicles, tractors or trailers subject to a reduction in road tax can apply it immediately the same year, thus correcting the current situation which postponed this exemption to the following year.

In the case of ICIO, a 50% bonus is introduced for the communities of owners and is expanded for energy efficiency. In the public prices section, there are discounts at the Teatro Principal for people in wheelchairs, who will pay five euros for their place, bonuses for entities that carry out cultural activities in municipal facilities or for international events that take place in sports centers in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza.

Update of environmental charges

On the other hand, in 2025, the environmental tariffs related to the integral water cycle and the collection and treatment of waste will be updated. As explained by Councilor Blanca Solans, the measure is part of the obligation to balance the income and expenses associated with these public services and also in the commitment of the municipal government to improve the water supply network.

In this way, the update will allow to clean up almost all of the deficit related to these services and also to continue financing investments in infrastructure and the investment trajectory will be maintained.

Improved water quality

90.2% of Zaragoza’s water comes from the Yesa reservoirwhere the contributions from the Pyrenees arrive, which results in higher costs for the municipal coffers than those of the Imperial Canal.

In 2024, the cost for the City Council of Zaragoza, only in relation to the cost of supplying water to the city, is estimated at around 9.7 million euros, 28% more than in 2023.

Regarding the collection and treatment of waste, in addition to updating the general costs, the City Council of Zaragoza must face for the second year the tax introduced by the Spanish government through Law 7/2022 on Waste and Contaminated Soils, which requires the collection and treatment costs to be passed on, with the consequence of an increase in the price of the service.

Average impact on revenue

For a household of three people, this update of environmental taxes will have an average impact on bills of 23.69 euros in the case of water supply and sanitation; and 10.48 euros for the waste collection and treatment service.

This would mean a total update of about 34 euros per year12% compared to 2024. Low-income households will benefit from reductions on these rates, according to the IPREM index. In concrete terms, families whose income does not exceed 16,865 euros will benefit from a bonus of 83%, so that the average impact will be 5.94 euros in total.

Families with incomes between 16,865 and 21,984 euros will have a bonus of 50% – the total average variation will be around 17 euros – and those with incomes between 21,984 and 24,238 euros will have a bonus of 7.5% – the total average variation will be around 31 euros. –.

Processing schedule

Following the approval of the draft modification of the tax ordinances for 2025 by the Government of Zaragoza, a processing process begins that will culminate at the end of December.

Individual votes for the project can be submitted until October 4; On October 17, the initial approval commission will take place; From October 22 to December 3, the public exhibition period will be; On December 16, the resolution of the complaints will be issued in committee and on December 23, it will be definitively approved in the municipal plenary session for publication in the Official Gazette of the Province of Zaragoza.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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