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HomeBreaking News"If the government had done what the PP suggests, Edmundo would be...

“If the government had done what the PP suggests, Edmundo would be detained”

Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares once again refuted the Popular Party this Friday regarding the case of Venezuelan opponent Edmundo González, stating that “if the Spanish government had done what the PP suggests, Edmundo González would be arrested today in Caracas.”

Albares assured that “all the meetings that took place at the Spanish embassy in Caracas were requested by Edmundo González” and that the objective was “to give him a space of security and freedom to be able to meet with whoever he wanted” at the diplomatic headquarters.

The statements by the head of Spanish diplomacy come after those of the leader of the opposition and the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijooaccuse the government of participating in the “coercion” that Edmundo González suffered in Caracas before leaving the country.

The party’s deputy secretary general, Esteban González Pons, also launched a serious accusation against the executive of Pedro Sánchez this Thursday by declaring that the government was “complicit in the coup d’état” of Maduro in Venezuela. He also claimed, without proof, that Edmundo González had been transferred from the Dutch embassy in Caracas to that of Spain so that the “blackmail” of the opponent would be possible.

Albares already denied the accusations of the PP on Thursday, which even asked for his resignation, and reiterated on several occasions that the government was in no way involved in the negotiations between Edmundo González and the Venezuelan regime. “Spain has nothing to do with any type of document signed by Edmundo,” the minister said.

The opponent exiled in Madrid also published a statement on Thursday evening to clarify the role of the Spanish embassy in Caracas and to refute the PP.

After the accusations made by the PP this Thursday, which the government denies and Edmundo González denies, Albares said that the PP “apologizes” to the Spanish foreign service.

The minister explained that the only efforts of the Spanish embassy were to ensure the safe transfer of Edmundo to the airport and the subsequent landing and take-off of the Spanish plane in which the opponent went into exile in Madrid.

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