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If there is no agreement, “let them appeal and open a debate at the Constitutional Court”

The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, assured that his government “has not left the path of dialogue” and insisted on the need for a national agreement. If the protocol on the reception of migrant minors does not reach an agreement, he said, “let it be appealed and Yesand open the debate in the Constitution.

As he pointed out to the media after the meeting held in Moncloa, “the State did not like us to show that it is not doing things well” and defended that the protocol is “a resolution on procedure, which arises from the one published in 2014”. As he assured, the fact that the Canary Islands requests that the minor receive “a photograph to be able to identify, examine and register him is not against the State but in favour of the minor”.

The minors, delivered with a delivery note and without identification, arrive without the protection guarantees being respected. According to the documentation used as an example of the arrival of a cayuco, “they were all born on January 1st and many even have the same name” and “if there is no photo, we cannot nor distinguish”he reported.

He denied feeling “threatened” by the protocol that the Government approved on Thursday, September 12, and stressed that “there is no kind of ideology,” ruling out the “discrimination based on origin” mentioned by the Prosecutor’s Office. He also recalled that this document develops the previous protocol approved by the government of Mariano Rajoy in 2014.

Will attend the Government-PP meeting

The Canarian president announced that will attend the meeting that the Government and the Popular Party will continue to try to unblock the reform of article 35 of the Immigration Law for the care of migrant minors, and that they hope that it will be carried out soon and that they seek to “adapt to the agenda”.

In this sense, he showed himself “willing” to attend “at any time and on any day” to what is requested if it is a question of reach an agreement and “sit down,” something he has been asking for months. “We will always sit down and negotiate,” he stressed.

The Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, expressed his desire to attend the meeting, where he asked for “two unknowns” to be clarified, on the one hand the number of places available in each community to accommodate migrants, minors and financing, which are two of the points that the PP has requested to be introduced in the reform.

He celebrated that he was able to speak with several ministers and that “we managed to get the government and the PP to sit down”, assuring that if there was a will, an agreement would be reached.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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