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If they call you and no one answers, you could be in danger.

THE Police have issued a stern warningIf they call you and no one answers, you could be in danger, according to these security experts. It is a situation that we all face, especially when we are faced with a series of elements that we must take into account and that are essential. The time will come to put into practice the advice of the experts to avoid any surprises. Criminals know very well how to access the most vulnerable in this very particular way.

You can follow the advice of these experts to avoid surprises, especially in these times. Access to our phone is the gateway to our personal data. Something that we must take into account and that can end up being what makes us have a bad time. Therefore, what we will need is a change of cycle, which is important. Avoiding these scams that are a problem for everyone can make a significant difference. Write down how to react if this happens to you, they call you and no one answers, you may be the victim of a scam.

Police warn

Social networks have become a means of reaching the entire population. It is time to ensure that these scams do not become the order of the day. Otherwise, they end up being a new reality that can become something recurrent. Therefore, the time has come to start taking note of this type of calls that the police constantly warn against.

Sales calls are prohibited, at least that’s what the law says, although there are some exceptions that can affect us directly. To avoid them, we must also be aware of those calls in which there is no one or there seems to be no one on the other end of the line.

This could be a strategy to steal data or to give us concessions directly that could make a big difference. Depending on our response or if we respond at all, they will be able to tell if that line is busy and know the best time to contact us.

Very valuable information that we must begin to put into practice and that can help us determine what awaits us in the coming days.

If they call you and no one answers, you could be in danger.

It is possible that the person who called you includes your name to be able to use a series of elements that perhaps you had not taken into account until now and that could finally be something essential. The time will come to put into practice some details that will save us from greater evils.

There is a way to prevent these calls, The OCU gives us some solutions: “We asked our respondents what methods they use to try to avoid these calls, and we learned that 45% block the numbers that called them, others register on a list or have a mobile phone that detects spam: in fact, it is advisable to activate the “Call and spam detection” option (on an Android mobile) or download the function from the App Store (if the mobile is an iPhone).

In addition, they provide us with data that we may not have known, but that may end up being a reality that we must take into account.

Because other systems (blocking, call detection) can be useful, but they will not eradicate the problem of unwanted commercial calls. To achieve this, at OCU we advise you to prevent:

Pay more attention to permissions, both those you give so they can contact you by phone, and those that authorize the transfer of data. This way, the problem will be limited to those who do not comply with the regulations (or those who have a legitimate interest).

When they call you, if you do not want that call to be repeated, demand that the company calling you properly identify itself and ask if it has the authorization or is legitimate to do so. If it is authorized, you can revoke the authorization to make these calls or transfer the information.

Despite a key law in place to put an end to these calls: “On June 30, the General Telecommunications Law came into effect, which prohibits unsolicited commercial calls. At OCU, we received this rule with hope, which put an end to the terrible advertising bombardment of consumers… but now, three months after that moment, a recent OCU survey reveals that these calls continue to happen, and it is nothing “strange”: in fact, 9 out of 10 consumers have received an unwanted commercial call in the last month.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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