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“If today there are 40,000, there will soon be 400,000”

Vox national deputy José María Figaredo accused the PSOE, the PP and the CC of “stimulating the “call effect” by “sending an international message that all of Africa has a place in Spain.” The MP assures that the Canary Islands “are not prepared and have no plan” for the increase in arrivals expected in the coming months, so “if today there are 40,000, soon there will be 400,000.”

This is what he expressed to ABC after his visit to the migrant center of Las Canteras (Tenerife) in the company of the national spokesman, José Antonio Fuster, an establishment that shows that “the situation in the islands is desperate with infrastructure at its limit.” Immigration centers like Las Raíces “are overloaded” and “those who suffer the consequences are the neighbors, not the politicians who bring them.”

He explained that the local population transmitted to them “first hand their fatigue and despair” at suffering “the crimeoccupation, and this insecurity has multiplied.

For the secretary general of the parliamentary group Vox, PSOE, PP and CC “they imply that those who infiltrate by violating the borders will sooner or later be regularized. Without going any further, a few months ago, all the parties (PSOE, PP and Canarian Coalition included) voted in favor of “initiate procedures to regularize 500,000 illegal immigrants”. For Figaredo, “it is therefore logical that the avalanche increases.”

He considers that the Canary Islands are “buried” by a “migratory invasion” while “the administration is not even able to guarantee well-being canaries. In La Palma “they continue to live in barracks, in Lanzarote they suffer from water and electricity cuts, in towns like La Orotava occupation is the order of the day…”

The Canary Islands “obviously have no plans”, since “in fact, the only request made by the PP government and the Canary Coalition is that illegal immigrants from the island be sent to the peninsula”, which, according to him, “only will increase arrivals”. If there are 40,000 migrants today, “soon there will be 400,000,” he stressed. The “only possible solution” for VOX is “to send a clear message: anyone who enters Spain violating our borders and our laws will be sent back to their country.”

Follow the law

Figaredo insisted that it was necessary to “send a clear message “to illegal immigration” that in Spain “there are firm borders” and that “only those who have their papers in order and come to work and integrate will enter.”

As he pointed out, “that’s what the law says“We are simply asking that this be done.” Spain, he recalled, “has agreements with neighboring countries for the repatriation of its nationals, but they are not respected.” In this sense, it was asked whether “perhaps we should ask Mohamed VI why.”

For the national deputy, the example is that of Italy, where his partner Giorgia Meloni has managed to stop immigration in a “flagrant” way. If Spain announced “publicly, frankly and honestly” that its immigration policy “will be strict, that it will fight the human mafias, the migratory invasion would undoubtedly decrease from one day to the next because the call effect would cease.”

The message should be “from zero tolerance with illegality”, and thus “illegal immigration is reduced, that is clear and that must be the case”. For Vox, it is necessary to “make the borders really useful” because migrants “do not come to look for work, they come to look for a subsidy, for help, it is a scam”, he denounced.

Concerning minors, those “who really are minors since 94% of those questioned were actually adults”, they stressed, the defenders “locate their families and return them to them”.

The PP, a “necessary actor”

The PP, the Canarian Coalition and the PSOE, Figaredo stressed, “promoted in the Canary Islands the pact for immigration that was the basis of the reform of the immigration law” at the same time that “the PP voted in Congress in favor of initiating the procedures for regularization of 500,000 illegal immigrants”.

For Vox, this is a sign that “the PP is actively collaborating with the PSOE’s immigration strategy, it is a necessary participant in the appeal effect.”

It was these decisions of the PP that caused the rupture of governments with Vox, he recalled, because “they collaborate with the PSOE’s immigration policy”, a red line for Santiago Abascal’s party.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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