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“If we start with retail, Madrid has a chance to win”

Isabel Díaz Ayuso has started her political career in the same bellicose terms in which the previous one ended. Catalonia is heading towards a “government-sponsored coup” and the PP must close ranks in the face of negotiations on regional financing, as she defended this morning in an interview with Antena 3 in which she warned: “If we start with retail economically, Madrid has everything to win. She also spread and then qualified a hoax about immigration and once again defended Nacho Cano, victim of persecution for his friendship with her, as her companion, according to her version.

“If Madrid started talking about money, there would be no debate because we are by far the community that contributes the most,” Ayuso said. “What I have always asked my colleagues – and the president – [Alberto Núñez Feijóo] is the first at the head – that we seek unity, but not the unity of the party, but the unity of Spain,” he said, before adding: “If we let them try to bribe us in the offices, I will do it. I will deal a fiscal blow to Madrid, but don’t worry, in return I will tolerate I don’t know what. […] The only thing we are going to achieve is that we will become even more fragmented into autonomies.”

The leader of the PP in Madrid also raised the issue of immigration to reproduce the hoax that the government wants to bring 250,000 Mauritanians to Spain – she has seen it “in the headlines of different media outlets”, she said – to then expand the cultural differences with Muslim-majority countries where they “defend excision”, polygamy or even the fact that women “do not leave the house”. Asked to define his immigration model, he ended up admitting that “it is a subject that has many nuances and that requires many hours because not everything is black or white”.

Venezuela, mirror of Spain

International politics worries Ayuso, who took a break from his vacation in August to attend the demonstration in Madrid called by the Venezuelan opposition, which denounced electoral fraud in the country. “We are talking about a criminal and murderous dictatorship,” he accused, without going into details, to also arouse suspicions about the mediating role of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and demand that the embassies of Spain and the European Union also be opened, like that of the United States, to provide asylum to opponents of the government. According to Ayuso, Spain is following in the wake of Venezuela in the 1990s, when “big cars and movement in the streets” were visible before Hugo Chávez came to power. He did not dwell on the figures of extreme poverty in Caracas at that time.

Ayuso also wanted to defend once again the musician Nacho Cano, who is being investigated for irregularities in the hiring of foreign dancers for his musical. “Since I gave him the medal on May 2 and he thanked me for my work during the pandemic, I knew he would be persecuted,” he said. Regarding his partner, who has already admitted to committing tax fraud, he said that “he would like to speak”, but that he is not doing so now because he has to represent the Community of Madrid. This, after having stated, when revealed the case, that it was the Treasury that owed him money. Of course, Begoña Gómez must reveal whether it is her lawyer who pays or whether it is the PSOE who pays.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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