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HomeTop StoriesIlla denies questioning territorial solidarity

Illa denies questioning territorial solidarity

The question of regional funding The PSOE Federal Committee concentrated this Saturday. In front of their territorial barons, some very critical with the idea of ​​a single financing for Catalonia, Pedro Sanchez argued that this This is not a debate “between territories, but between models” and that the government is willing to recognize the “singularity” of all autonomous communities that wish to do so.

Faced with these critical voices – a position that the Castilian-La Mancha president publicly reiterated this Saturday – Emiliano Garcia-Pageor the leader of the PSOE of Aragon, Javier Lamban– several regional leaders supported the most controversial point of the pact between the PSC and Esquerra Republicana invest in Salvador Illa.

One of the great protagonists of the time was precisely the new president of the Generalitat, who arrived at the conclave assuring that he supported the “successful policies” developed by the PSOE in recent years. Once inside, behind closed doors, the leader of the PSC defended before the rest of the socialist barons that territorial solidarity “has not been called into question”.

“Let no one doubt it. Solidarity has not been, is not and will not be called into question by the CPS. I have said it in public and in private, my project is a strong self-government -which includes the financing agreement- and an involvement in the improvement of Spain in a Europe with a federal horizon. Not only is Catalonia not leaving, but it is returning,” he said, according to CPS sources cited by Efe.

They argue that this benefits the rest of Spain.

Despite the serious faces that could be seen inside, the President of the Government had to interrupt his speech several times in the face of socialist applause, a support for the Secretary General that was also reflected at the entrance to the Committee. Thus, the PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi Lopezdefended before the press that “all financing is unique in this country” and that “the fundamental thing for a citizen is what do we do with the resources that we collect.”

For her part, the leader of the PSPV-PSOE and Minister of Science, Diane Morantargued that the agreement in Catalonia “lead the way so that in the rest of the territories “The singularities are also recognized” and was convinced that “this will also be beneficial for the Valencian Community.”

In the same spirit, the leader of the Galician socialists, Jose Ramon Gomez Besteirodefended that “It’s good for Spain and Galicia“. Also leader of the PSOE of the Balearic Islands, Francine Armengolinsisted on the idea that this unique financing benefits not only Catalonia, but the whole country.

“Agreements that undoubtedly benefit Catalonia They also benefit the rest of Spain” said the also president of the Congress of Deputies, who deepened the idea that each territory has its singularities and that it is necessary to take them into account when governing: “Coffee for everyone is not possible without more” he said.




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