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HomeLatest NewsIlla's government includes Valencian regions among those with Catalan linguistic dominance

Illa’s government includes Valencian regions among those with Catalan linguistic dominance

The new autonomous government of the socialist Salvador Illa includes several areas of the Valencian Community in the linguistic field in Catalanwhich raised the complaint of the Executive of the popular Carlos Mazón. This is a new episode perceived as interference, after other recent ones in the sports and cultural fields.

The Minister of Education, Universities and Employment, Jose AntonioRoviraasked the Catalan Generalitat to correct this error contained in a report recently approved: “That acate OUR Law autonomy and respect the Valencian language.

In more detail, the regional leader presented several arguments. “Our standard language is Valencian and it is called Valencian, just as our Senyera has three colours, blue, yellow and red, and our territory is the Comunitat Valenciana,” he said.

The minister made these statements after approving the Catalan Executive composed of: CPS-PSOE And MRC the report entitled “Situation of Catalan, Occità Aranès and Llengua of Catalan signs and main lines of intervention in linguistic policy during the legislature”, which includes the Valencian-speaking territories.

“With this report, the government of Salvador Illa is once again making excuses of the non-existent’Catalan countries‘, including comparative information on the level of Catalan among children under 20 in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Valencian Community. “We cannot tolerate that he speaks of all these regions as part of the Catalan linguistic domain,” added Rovira.

In this sense, the mayor also recalled the context and the general feeling: “The majority of Valencian society rejects that our language is recognized as Catalan. We Valencians have called it the Valencian language and Valencian for more than 700 years.

Similarly, the Constitution Spanish “protects” through the territorial organization of Spain in autonomies and in the Statute that the name of the language is Valencian, which is the one spoken in the Valencian Community.

Compare data, but not with Barcelona

“It’s a shame that the Catalan government uses the data For compare the situation of one language in relation to the other, since it refers to the situation of Valencian in the large Valencian cities and forgets to compare it with the situation in the large Valencian cities. cities Catalans, especially in Barcelona,” Rovira added.

“What is the point of highlighting this difference? Why don’t you compare the Catalan regions with each other? As a good sociolinguist who is the Minister of Linguistic Policy of Catalonia, Francesc Xavier Vila, will know that the situation throughout the Catalan territory, it is very miscellaneous and he’s not interested in that,” he said.

He also referred to the change of political sign in the Generalitat Valenciana and the passage also to the linguistic policy, marking distances with his predecessors of the left coalition: “The Valencian Community has already experienced a period of government with the Botànic in which the leaders socialists and those of Commitments They intended to name the Valencian language as Valencian/Catalan, but this government lost the elections, probably because of the rejection generated by such proposals and the desire to force the taxation of the language they intended to exercise in the education system“.

But today, “the current Valencian government intends to come back “This situation with the pride of feeling Valencian and deepening with the sign and banner that is the Valencian language,” he added. In fact, the law on the signs of identity of the Valencian Community is awaiting approval, as announced by Mazón.

The president and several members of his cabinet have recently expressed their discomfort and demanded that similar excesses be corrected by his Catalan counterpart and I respect by the Statute after several actions that denoted pretensions to independence, such as the inclusion of the Valencian tennis player Sara Sorribes among the Catalan medalists or a poster during the festivities in the Gràcia district of Barcelona with the reference to the “Catalan countries”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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