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HomeLatest NewsIllegal racing on the abandoned Formula 1 street circuit in Valencia

Illegal racing on the abandoned Formula 1 street circuit in Valencia

“They have been coming for months with cars and motorbikes, usually pumped up, and they are starting to do competitions, wheelies or drifts. Before, they came mainly on Sunday afternoons, but in recent weeks they have been coming more and more frequently, at least once a week and staying for hours, sometimes until late at night. The noise is infernal, for example I am preparing for exams and I cannot study, but there will also be elderly people or people with health problems who will not have to put up with this situation.

The neighbours of the Formula 1 urban circuit, abandoned for 12 years since the end of the Grand Prix, have denounced the situation they are experiencing, as can be seen in the attached video recorded this Sunday evening, September 15.

The residents, who prefer not to identify themselves, claim to have called the local police several times: “The officers have gone several times and evacuated the circuit, but a few days later they reappear. What we are asking is that they close access to the road so that vehicles cannot access it. The last time this group of individuals was there was this Sunday night, which prevented the neighbors from resting,” they lamented. Police sources told that in recent weeks they have intensified surveillance in the area.

The urban circuit is integrated into the Integrated Action Program (PAI) of El Grau, which is in the processing phase. The previous government team of Compromís and the PSPV proposed the reconversion of the route into a bio-healthy pedestrian promenade, but the current executive of the PP and Vox considered this option as “a waste of resources”, so it will be integrated like the roads. of the future residential area.

Currently, the entire area adjacent to El Grau and Natzaret is semi-fenced, abandoned and even a shanty town has proliferated.

In June last year, the Generalitat Valenciana paid the last 7.5 million euros corresponding to the 60 million euro credit requested at the time to finance part of the construction costs of the road. The loan began to be repaid in 2016 and was valid for eight years at a rate of 7.5 million per year. In addition, 6.7 million euros were paid in interest, making a total of 66.7 million euros repaid.

The Generalitat Valenciana has spent an additional 38.6 million euros (45 million with interest) for the development of the necessary access infrastructure and the road connection of the city with the port of Valencia (Alameda and Avenida de Francia), which would be done free of charge to the public coffers.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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