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“I’m going to be fine and I’m going to share it too”

The winning entry for the “Your Weight in Cheese” contest of the “Fromago Commerce and Bar Fest” campaign was Eva Victoria Ariza, who, because she weighs 59 kilos, will receive the same amount in the precious product. The award ceremony closed the II International Cheese Fair “Fromago Cheese Experience”, which began last Thursday and ends today, September 15.

The winner turned out to be the alternate since, at first, it was awarded to a candidate who did not answer the phone call, so the organization turned to the next on the list. “I’m a little nervous and quite happy. When they called me yesterday, I didn’t believe it,” admitted the winner, who also received a basket and a gift from the organization. “I like cheese“I’m going to feel good and I’m still going to share it with my family, my friends and the person who gave me the ballot,” he assured.

The exhibitor of the Caja Rural de Zamora, located in the Plaza Mayor of the capital of Zamora, hosted this Sunday the process of weighing the winner and the delivery of the prizes resulting from the campaign “Fromago Commerce and Bar Fest”, promoted by the Development of Zamora. Association10, with the collaboration of the City Council of Zamora, the Provincial Council of Zamora, the International School of Dairy Industries Foundation and the Association of Hotel Entrepreneurs of Zamora. The campaign had the participation of 1,500 commercial and hotel establishments in Zamora.

During the awards ceremony, members of the People Foundation, Asprosub, authors of the Golden Cheese which was delivered to the company that issued the winning ticket.

In this context, Adolfo Pérez, of Calzados Oncethe company that submitted the winning ballot, received the Golden Cheese, an award that it will keep and display in its establishment for the next two years and that it will award, after the third edition of Fromago, in September 2026, to the signature that gives the winning ticket for the “Your weight in cheese” contest.

Calzados Once received from Zamora10 a basket worth 500 euros, which doubled its value thanks to the use of its Caja Rural de Zamora point of sale for the purchase. Likewise, eleven other baskets were delivered to individuals, two of which were donated by Foods de Zamora and exquisza.

The event included the participation of the vice-president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Isabel Blanco; the president of the Provincial Council of Zamora, Javier Faúndez; the vice-president of the provincial institution Víctor López; the territorial delegate of the Council in Zamora, Fernando Prada; the deputy mayor of the Zamora City Council, David Gago; the president of Zamora10, Alfonso Martín; the president of Azehos, Óscar Somoza; the president of the Caja Rural de Zamora, Nicanor Santos; the general director of the credit cooperative, Cipriano García, and the director of communication and institutional relations of the Caja, Narciso Prieto.


The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors gave “a very positive assessment of the fair, the public and all the work that the professionals have organized at the different tables, in the commercial mission, in their daily work.”

He also seemed delighted the president of the provincial council: “The sensations are magnificent. It was very difficult to launch this fair because, practically, we started without information. The work done by the International School of Dairy Industries Foundation has been superb. “They were involved from the beginning so that, in these four days, we could see the work of thirteen months,” he said, stressing that the influx of people “was spectacular”, that the professionals leave “fully satisfied” and the establishments “with a magnificent taste in their mouths.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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