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“I’m renting, you’re an official residence”

The PP spokesman in the Congress of Deputies, Miguel Telladoattacked this Wednesday against the second vice-president of the government and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Diazduring the executive control session in the Lower House: “I am the one who lives on rent, you are in an official residence without paying.”

The MP popular asked an urgent question to the representative of Sumar about “the democratic principles that inspire the action of your government.” After the PP leader cornered him with multiple questions about all the problems surrounding his executive, Díaz tried to avoid the problem: “If you want, we can talk about Venezuela, Geneva, Switzerland, whatever you want, but.” we are going to talk about the problems of the Spanish people, Mr. Tellado, 35% of people who live in rented accommodation are at risk of social exclusion.

“Do you know what the median salary is in the province of A Coruña?” Díaz asked him, only to question him again: “Do you know what rent is worth, Mr. Tellado?” “Can someone live on 1,464 euros a month and pay rent in the city of A Coruña, to which you and I belong, with these material living conditions?” Tellado asked again.

“55 questions, zero answers”

The PP spokesperson criticized the Minister of Labor for not answering the questions she asked from the speakers’ stand: “55 questions, zero answers.” “I asked her about Venezuela, about buying an investiture in exchange for favors for corrupt politicians; I asked her about her government’s attacks on judges, about her government’s attacks on the media, and about her government’s attacks on this House, which is the seat of national sovereignty,” she listed. “And what are you talking about? Nothing, because you are as complicit as Sánchez,” she said to Yolanda Díaz.

“On the way to Spain, which you are delighted to have met, you ask me if I know the price of the rent. The one who does not know is you. “The one who lives on the rent is me and the one who lives in the official residence is you without paying for housing,” he said. “The one who knows how much a rental home costs is me, not you,” Tellado told the Minister of Labor.

Tellado concluded his round of responses in Congress by regretting that Yolanda Díaz “did not take advantage of her first round” to “distance herself from Sánchez.” “Now you have your turn to respond, five minutes to show us that Mrs. Díaz is not like Pedro Sánchez,” proposed the PP spokesman in the Lower House. A time when the politician popular He urged him to demonstrate that “Sumar is not the same as the PSOE.” “Otherwise, we will have to agree with your former colleagues from Podemos when they say that you have betrayed the ideological essence of what you defended,” concluded the deputy of the formation led by Alberto Nuñez Feijoo.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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