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HomeLatest NewsImages confirm torture in Ateca juvenile center

Images confirm torture in Ateca juvenile center

The torture and humiliation suffered by the minors at the Ateca center are recorded on video. For a few days now, the investigator in charge of the case has had recordings that confirm this mistreatment, as published by the Heraldo de Aragón. The recording, found on the phone of one of the detained workers, shows the minor immobilized on the ground, his hands behind his back and the adult above him squeezing his arms while verbally humiliating the young man. He was also filmed hitting him and the victim’s head bounces on the ground amid his cries of pain.

Five workers from the juvenile centre in the town of Ateca, in the province of Zaragoza, were arrested by the Civil Guard for injuries, torture, sexual assault, corruption of minors, belonging to a criminal group and crimes against moral integrity. Among those detained are the director of the establishment, as well as two social educators and two assistants. The centre houses minors from 6 to 17 years old. The investigation began following a complaint from the mother of one of the minors, who had injuries to his body.

These videos could confirm the versions of the eleven complaints that the magistrate has in her possession. Regarding possible leaks of recordings, the judge warned in a note communicated to the media that sanctions would be imposed: “Various media leaks occur constantly in various local and national media, all related to data and events. intimate and private nature involving minors. If the leak persists, fines will be imposed ex officio and the relevant legal measures will be adopted ex officio.

Youth with disruptive behavior

The Ateca juvenile center is a residence set up by the Government of Aragon that offers a specialized program of intensive support for minors, preferably up to the age of 17, who present recurrent disruptive behaviors and with little or no family support, indicated the Executive. Aragon.

The Government of Aragon has assured that the concern of the Aragonese Institute of Social Services is to “guarantee the well-being and safety of the minors who remain in this center” and that it is working with the managing entity. The Aragonese Institute of Social Services – specifically the Subdirectorate of Child Protection and Guardianship and the Provincial Directorate of the IASS of Zaragoza – is already working to plan the relocation of minors to other resources.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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