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HomeBreaking NewsIn Azerbaijan, a father forcibly held his daughter in the basement

In Azerbaijan, a father forcibly held his daughter in the basement

A young woman who was being held captive by her family in a basement in the town of Shamakhi has been rescued by police officers. reports that the incident took place in a private house located on Atatürk Street in the city of Shamakhi.

Born in 1976, Vugar Talibov (surname optional) learned that his daughter wanted to divorce his wife in Baku. He came to the capital worried that his daughter was leading a free lifestyle, going to different addresses after returning from work in the evenings. Here, Vugar, who deceived his daughter and took her to the town of Shamakhi, put her in the basement of the house and locked the door. The police rescued the girl who remained in the basement for 6 days.

The victim girl, who testified about the incident, said that her father was against her wish to live freely and together with her mother they put her in the basement:

“In 2014, at the insistence of my family, I married a man named Allahverdi Babayev, we had two children. First we lived in Shamakhi, in a house that belonged to Allahverdi’s parents, then we lived in an apartment located in the 4th microdistrict of Nasimi district in Baku. After a while, our relationship broke down, I decided to divorce. My father found out about it and took me to Shamakhi, cheating on him. When I got out of the car, he took me to the basement. My father intends to keep me prisoner in the basement of the house, and he has already made preparations for this in advance.

He said that he was forcibly held in the basement for 6 days: “During this period, my father came to me several times and asked me if I wanted to divorce my husband, and when I replied that I wanted to divorce and live freely, he insulted me and left. Then I begged my mother that I wanted to talk to my son on the phone. I took the opportunity to call 102 of the Ministry of the Interior and reported that after a few minutes I was forcibly detained, the police called again and realized that they were coming. The police broke the door and entered, and 3 policemen rescued me from my mother’s hand and took Shamakh to the District Police Department (RPSH).

In connection with this incident, a case was opened in Shamakhi RPSH under Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code, i.e. illegal deprivation of liberty. Vugar Talibov was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months of correctional labor by the district court’s verdict dated September 10. In court, the girl said that she did not complain about her father.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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