Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 4:14 pm
HomeBreaking NewsIn Baku, after many years, the boulevard promenade is being restored.

In Baku, after many years, the boulevard promenade is being restored.

In recent days, the famous ship “Mirvari” has reappeared on Baku Boulevard.

Images published by “Qafqazinfo” show the ship approaching the Maritime Station with an updated look.

It was reported that due to the falling sea level, the boat ride along the boulevard was temporarily suspended.

Review of the ship “Mirvari” in Denizkaranir National Park “Has navigation on the boulevard been restored?” asks the question.

Afsana Mehdiyeva, head of the press service of the Maritime Boulevard department, said that work has been underway for some time to restore the transit of ships, the route for the safe movement of ships has been determined and preparations are being made for the ship voyage.

“As you know, the lowering of the Caspian Sea level has led to the temporary suspension of boat trips along the boulevard from 2022. This year, work has begun on resuming ship operations. The depth of the sea was measured in the relevant parts and the corresponding route lines were determined.

At the same time, repair and renovation works were carried out for the safe and comfortable movement of the ship “Mirvari”. For several days the ship has been moored at the bridge in front of the Maritime Station and preparations for the cruise are being finalized. In the near future, the boat ride along the boulevard will be restored.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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