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In Brazil, the human rights minister was removed from office after accusations of sexual violence

His fall is all the more dramatic as he was one of the most popular members of the Brazilian government. Silvio Almeida, 48, Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, was dismissed from his post on Friday 6 September by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. A figure of the black movement, the latter is accused of sexual harassment and assault of several women working in the federal administration, including his colleague Anielle Franco, Minister of Racial Equality.

The information was revealed the day before by an investigation by journalist Guilherme Amado, published on the news site. MetropolisThe latter relayed testimonies collected by the NGO Me Too Brasil, which collects the words of victims of sexual violence. The facts concern at least four women who have suffered, in recent years, touching, forced kisses and obscene messages from Mr. Almeida.

Among them is Anielle Franco, 40, a feminist activist, black, but also the sister of Marielle Franco, a left-wing municipal councilor in Rio, murdered in 2018. The minister is said to have suffered persistent pressure from her colleague, both verbal and physical. According to MetropolisSilvio Almeida is said to have slipped his hand between Anielle Franco’s legs during a work meeting, in the presence of other participants, in May 2023.

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The alleged facts are all the more shocking as they concern an icon of the left. At 48 years old, Silvio Almeida, a lawyer, professor of law and emeritus jurist, was one of the leading figures of anti-racist thought. His speech upon taking office, on January 3, 2023, was considered a monument to eloquence. The new minister lyrically celebrated the “forgotten” from Brazil… and promised “fight against all types of harassment.”

His departure from the government was inevitable and was decided quickly. At the end of a day of consultation, where Mme Franco and Mr. Almeida, Lula terminated the functions of his minister. “Those who practice harassment will not remain in government”He warned in a radio interview in the morning, while acknowledging the “right to defense” of the accused.

For 24 hours, Silvio Almeida tried to save his position and what remains of his star. In a series of posts on social media, the former minister vehemently refuted the accusations, described as“absurd accusations”The lawyer announced his intention to go to court to demand explanations from the NGO Me Too Brasil and would try, according to the press, to collect various exchanges of messages and videos with Franco was supposed to prove his innocence.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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