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In Brazil, two explosions in the Place des Trois-Pouvoirs raise fears of an attack on institutions

In Brazil, two explosions in the Place des Trois-Pouvoirs raise fears of an attack on institutions

A corpse lying in the night, in the Place des Trois-Pouvoirs, the heart of Brazilian democracy: the image was broadcast this Wednesday, November 13 on all information channels. If the facts are confirmed, the country would face an event of unprecedented severity: a bomb attack against its highest institutions.

According to the first vague reports in the press, a first detonation rang out around 7:30 p.m. in this large square in Brasilia, surrounded by Congress, the presidential palace of Planalto and the Supreme Federal Court (STF). The alleged perpetrator was quickly found dead, his body lying on the concrete, near the STF.

Apparently, the man tried in vain to enter the judicial institution, before throwing an explosive of still undetermined nature towards the building. Was he hit by debris from his own machine? Or had he decided to end his life by blowing himself up? According to several media outlets, the perpetrator was wearing an explosive belt, which leaves open the possibility of a suicide attack.

A few seconds later (or a few minutes, according to some versions), a second explosion occurred at the entrance to Annex 4 of the Chamber of Deputies, located a few hundred meters from the Place des Trois-Pouvoirs, and which houses the parliamentarians’ offices. . This was caused by the explosion of a vehicle, belonging according to the police to the same man found dead near the STF, located a few hundred meters away.

Despite the panic, no officials were injured by the explosions, which occurred outside the buildings. Congress and the STF were quickly evacuated. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, then meeting at his official residence in Alvorada, located 4 kilometers to the east, was not present at his workplace.

Extreme political beliefs, even paranoid.

A few minutes were enough for the police to identify the perpetrator and his worrying motivations. This is Francisco Wanderley Luiz, 59 years old, locksmith, originally from Rio do Sul, a city in the interior of the state of Santa Catarina (south).

In the photos, “Tiu França” (his nickname) usually appears elegant, with a bald head and his face invaded by large glasses, a Brazilian flag or a glass of wine in his hand. According to the press, the man recently suffered serious psychological disorders after a difficult divorce. Destroyed, he then moved to Brasilia and vegetated in a favela in the city.

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