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HomeBreaking NewsIn France, the opposition has launched an impeachment against Macron

In France, the opposition has launched an impeachment against Macron

The French Independent Party of the Left has initiated the impeachment process against President Emmanuel Macron.

Oku.AzAccording to information from the social network “X” (formerly “Twitter”), this was announced by the head of the party’s parliamentary faction, Matilda Pano.

“In accordance with Article 68 of the Constitution, the draft resolution on the impeachment of the president has been sent to the deputies for signature. Macron does not want to obey the choice of the voters and entrust the formation of the government to left-wing forces, so we must impeach him,” he wrote.

On August 26, Macron rejected the nomination of economist Lucie Caste of the left-wing alliance New Popular Front, which includes Non-Subordinated France. The following day, the French president launched a new round of consultations on Caste, excluding left-wing forces and the right-wing National Union as interlocutors.

Article 68 of the Constitution provides for the premature termination of the powers of the French president if he fails to fulfil his duties. This also applies to refusal to approve laws passed by parliament. The initiators of the impeachment must collect the signatures of 58 deputies (one-tenth of the composition of the lower house) in the first stage. After that, the chamber’s bureau must determine whether the draft resolution will be accepted for consideration. The draft must then be approved by the relevant committee. For it to be approved, three-thirds of the parliamentarians must vote in favour of the resolution. The draft is then sent to the Senate (upper house). If both chambers support the document, the deputies and senators must meet. An impeachment resolution must be supported by at least 617 of the 925 members of both chambers.

In the special election, the New Popular Front won 182 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly, the lower house of the French parliament. Second place went to the presidential coalition United for the Republic, which now has 168 seats in the Bourbon palace. The right-wing National Unity Party, together with its allies from the Republican Party, won 143 seats. To win an absolute majority in the chamber, the party must have 289 seats.

France currently has a history of governments continuing to serve after resigning. Macron dismissed Prime Minister Gabriel Attal’s government on condition that they continue to serve until a new cabinet of ministers is formed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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