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HomeEntertainment NewsIn Loir-et-Cher, a diesel injector factory is fighting for its future

In Loir-et-Cher, a diesel injector factory is fighting for its future

There are about fifteen new vans in the factory parking lot. “These are new models for which we measure C0 emissions2. Its Korean manufacturer is a loyal customer.”says Marc Landier, the current manager of the shop. Inside his factory, an army of mechanical arms drill metal in transparent booths. A few technicians wander around. “There is no shortage of engineers, but we lack workers specialized in precision machining”specifies the manager.

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Founded in 1959 to meet the growing need for small diesel engines for agricultural machinery, the Phinia factory in Blois today produces diesel injectors for the world’s leading automobile manufacturers. “But beware, today we are working on something sophisticated that calculates the amount of fuel needed down to the micro drop. Ultimately, this allows us to emit less CO2.2 that a hybrid gasoline engine »explains Marc Landier.

Since the “dieselgate” scandal involving Volkswagen, followed by the announcement that production of internal combustion vehicles in Europe would be halted by 2035, orders have been falling. The factory has gone from 1,300 employees to less than 900 in five years. But the site remains the main private employer in Loir-et-Cher. It is trying to open up to aeronautics and motorsport, thanks to new certifications and orders for limited series. To ensure its future, Phinia does not, however, expect to return to favouring diesel. It has embarked on an industrial gamble: hydrogen fuel.

The so-called “retrofitting” system

Within three years, the second part of the factory has been transformed into a research and development centre for low-pressure hydrogen injectors. It brings together 400 of its 900 employees. Together with other French equipment manufacturers, Phinia has developed a system called “retrofit”, i.e. converting a conventional combustion engine into a hydrogen combustion engine, with zero carbon emissions. This involves, in particular, changing the tank and the injector. Two vans and even an old 1976 Jeep Cherokee have already been adapted to appeal to the American market. “which has not given up internal combustion at all”according to Jean-Luc Béduneau, director of innovation.

He believes that India will be the first country to make massive use of this solution. They are already familiar with using gas as a fuel and will have a fleet of 17,500 compressed natural gas stations by 2030. They also want to maintain a certain independence that the switch to electricity will not offer them.. » The supply of batteries for electric vehicles is highly dependent on large Asian groups, and in particular the Chinese. Béduneau expects positive signals from Brussels: “ If Europe takes this path soon, we will be ready. »


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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