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HomeEntertainment NewsIn Mayotte, health authorities stop the cholera epidemic

In Mayotte, health authorities stop the cholera epidemic

With the appearance last March of the first cases of cholera imported from East Africa, Mayotte feared a new major crisis. After Covid-19, the long and painful water shortage caused by deficient infrastructure, the dams built by a part of the population that shouts its exhaustion with daily violence…, the French department located on the canal Mozambique will not have finally experienced the feared outbreak of cases, which would have caused an embolism in its health system, already greatly affected by the shortage of caregivers. The last registered patient dates back to July 12. An imported case. AND “No indigenous trafficking has been detected in the department since July 8”Public Health France specifies in its situation update of September 19. The results of this cholera epidemic show a total of 221 cases, including five deaths attributable to the bacteria and two partially attributable.

Therefore, the regional health agency (ARS) of Mayotte is preparing to announce the official end of the epidemic. “With due caution, observes Dr. Sergio Albarello, director of the ARS, due to the risks of importing boxes. » Indeed, the neighboring Comoros are seeing new patients appear, while the archipelago had managed to control, at the beginning of August, an epidemic that arrived from Tanzania at the beginning of February, which left 152 dead.

Since mid-September, twelve new patients have been treated, the Ministry of Health of the Union of the Comoros indicated on September 26. These are adults from the northern region of Grande Comore, in Mitsamiouli. According to the Comorian press, three deaths related to cholera have been recorded. This is denied by the Ministry of Health.

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A safe area has been created at Samba-Nkouni hospital to house patients. “The situation is not currently alarmingHowever, Dr. Yacine Mohamed Saidi, pediatrician at El-Maarouf hospital in Moroni, estimates by telephone. We have implemented systematic screening because we are facing an epidemic of gastroenteritis that mainly affects children. But we did not detect anger between them. »

Regional health risk

Faced with this regional health risk, the Maori authorities maintain the border control system to detect possible cases of cholera. “The strategy implemented to limit the spread of the bacteria in Mayotte has borne fruit, by dedicating human and material resources to access to water and preventive protection through the vaccine”greets the director of the ARS. More than one hundred and twenty water pipes have been installed in the neighborhoods most affected by the shortage and lack of infrastructure, where, not being connected to a distribution network, families will draw water from the surrounding rivers, with the risk of suffering damage. be contaminated by dirty water.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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