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HomeBreaking NewsIn Moldova, presidential candidates signed the Code of Electoral Conduct

In Moldova, presidential candidates signed the Code of Electoral Conduct

Some Moldovan presidential candidates, their representatives and participants in the constitutional referendum on European integration signed the Code of Electoral Conduct in the CEC.

The Central Election Commission clarified that the signatories pledged to conduct a fair election campaign under conditions of equal competition, to objectively inform voters, to respect other candidates and to prevent sexism, hate speech and other forms of violence.

“All candidates and participants in the referendum undertake to respect electoral legislation, not to intimidate voters and members of the electoral commission, and also to prevent any interference in the free expression of the will of voters and their bribery,” – the CCA noted.

The document was also offered to the media for signature.

Let us recall that on 20 October, Moldova will hold elections for the head of state and a referendum on incorporating the strategic goal of European integration into the Constitution. The Central Electoral Commission has registered 11 presidential candidates.

The ballot for the constitutional referendum will contain only one question: “Do you support amending the Constitution to allow Moldova to join the European Union?” and two possible answers: “Yes” and “No”.

As reported EADaily Moldova 1 public television channel refused to show the Communist Party’s election video. Its leader allegedly Vladimir Voronin made several statements, ignoring the ban on using free airtime to campaign against other election participants. The PCRM called this political censorship of the media and arbitrariness of the authorities.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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