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HomeBreaking NewsIn November, the PP requested a reduction in VAT on hairdressers, as...

In November, the PP requested a reduction in VAT on hairdressers, as requested by Yolanda Díaz, and only the PSOE voted against.

The proposal of the Second Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Labour, Yolanda DiazLowering VAT on hairdressers is not original. The PP has already asked the Senate for it in this legislature and it has divided Leftsince only the PSOE opposed it.

The vote took place last November. The Popular Group then presented a bill to the Upper House that called for reducing this tax from the general scheme to the reduced scheme for hairdressing, barber and beauty salon services. In other words, reduce it. from 21% to 10%.

The proposal was adopted with the support of Esquerra Republicana, Junts, PNV, BNG, Bildu, Canarian Coalition, Vox and the parties that make up the Sumar coalition. Only the PSOE voted againstwhich allowed the popular to expose the socialists to their government partners.

The reform was then examined in the Congress of Deputies, where it was once again blocked.

The PSOE’s argument for rejecting this tax cut is that it is the government of Mariano Rajoy in 2012 that increased the VAT for hairdressers from the reduced rate to the general rate. Then the socialists asked for a reduction while they were in opposition and now it is the PP that is asking for a reduction again.

The issue already sparked a heated controversy in 2021, when the PP managed to introduce the same measure in the Senate as an amendment to a broader proposal from the parliamentary group of the Confederal Left. The PSOE opposed the adoption of this amendment because it was “incongruous” and the president of the Senate at the time, the socialist Pilar Llopcancelled the vote after being detained.

The controversy even reached the plenary session of the Constitutional Court, which considered that Pilar Llop, also a former Minister of Justice, had to exceed one’s duties by cancelling the said vote during the previous legislature.

The PP is aware that this is an issue that highlights divergences within the government coalition, which is why they brought it back to the Senate last November.

Today, Yolanda Díaz recovers it among Sumar’s proposals for the General State Budgets (PGE) for 2025. The vice president is aware that they will be very difficult to approve, but without being able to leave her mark on social and economic issues. your visibility is reduced even more so within the government coalition.

Birth assistance

Interestingly, the VAT cut for some companies – a minor issue in his proposal document – is not the only point on which he agrees with the PP. Sumar also calls for a “universal benefit” for raising children. 200 euros per month from birth to 18 years.

This measure coincides with what the mayor of Valencia also proposed this Monday, Maria José Cataláof the Popular Party, which, if necessary, will grant a direct payment 300 euros to the family of every newborn from January 1, 2025.

Yolanda Diaz also proposes extending to families the aid that large families receive. single parentin accordance with what was presented last week by the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

Ayuso announced the creation of new titles for single-parent families that will allow them to access more public aid.

Diaz, on the other hand, does not specify his proposal. He simply speaks of assimilating “the support that the large families to single parents” and calls them so -single parents- because they are 80% run by women.

In Sumar, they propose a “progressive increase public nursery schools» for children from 0 to 3 years old and their full inclusion in the educational system. Meanwhile, in the PP they promise tip of all these family centers, even if they make no distinction between public and private property.

The feast of Alberto Nuñez Feijoo plans to present a reconciliation bill to Congress and the Senate on September 30, as part of its strategy of proposing social measures to attract other conservative parties.

Social rental

However, for Yolanda Diaz, the main problem is housing. Their proposals are passed Ban purchases in stressed areas If you don’t want to use the house as your regular residence, raise taxes on tourist apartments or cap the price of rental housing in distressed areas. 30% of household income that they rent.

Logically, in this section, Sumar’s proposals are the opposite of those of the PP. But the popular parties also propose to register their own housing law and there is a point on which both parties agree.

This is about the commitment to building affordable social housingIn its plan, the PP will appeal to public-private collaboration, something that Sumar does not envisage, but Yolanda Díaz’s party recognizes that there is a shortage of supply, as conservatives usually defend.

For this, the vice-president’s training calls for a “promoting State”. Demands the creation of a State fund endowed with 40 billion euros from European funds to build houses under social rent regime.

Encrypt your number in 500,000 new homes during the remainder of the legislature, request to set rent limits between 400 and 600 euros in tense areas and the granting of public land for real estate development. The inclusion of the private sector would only be allowed for cooperatives and non-profit entities, “which will benefit from specific regulations.”




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