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HomeEntertainment NewsIn Switzerland, several arrests after the use of an assisted suicide capsule

In Switzerland, several arrests after the use of an assisted suicide capsule

Several people have been arrested in Switzerland following the use on Monday, September 23, of an assisted suicide capsule by an American woman, a kind of sarcophagus that allows her to take her own life without the help of a doctor, police said Tuesday. “The public prosecutor’s office in the canton of Schaffhausen has opened criminal proceedings against several people for inciting and assisting suicide and several people have been taken into police custody.”according to a press release from the police of the canton, located in northern Switzerland.

The cantonal prosecutor’s office was informed on Monday by a law firm. “that assisted suicide using the Sarco capsule [pour sarcophage] took place in the afternoon in a forest hut in Merishausen »the police explain. “The Sarco suicide capsule was seized and [le corps de la] deceased person was transported (…) for an autopsy »The police also said that this is the first time that this capsule has been used, according to Swiss media.

“Monday, September 23, around 4:01 p.m. [heure de Paris]A 64-year-old woman from the American Midwest died while using the Sarco device »The Last Resort, the association that promotes this system, reported in a press release published after the police announced the arrests. The association adds that this woman “He suffered for many years from a series of serious problems related to severe immunodeficiency”.

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“It does not comply with the law”

Invented by Australian Philip Nitschke, a former doctor known for his controversial stances on end-of-life issues, the capsule is shaped like a mini-cabin in which the person who wants to end their life must lie down. They must then answer a series of questions to confirm they understand what they are doing before pressing a button that releases nitrogen. They should lose consciousness after a few breaths and die after a few minutes, according to The Last Resort.

In July, its promoters presented the device, saying they wanted to make its first use in Switzerland, which caused great excitement. Assisted suicide is permitted in this country, but with the accompaniment of a doctor. However, the association announced at the end of July that the first person to use it, an American woman in her fifties, had been withdrawn due to the deterioration of her mental state.

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On Monday, Swiss Interior Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider said during a question session in the Chamber of Deputies that this “The Sarco suicide capsule does not comply with the law”. First of all, she doesn’t respond. “Requirements relating to the product safety law”. In addition, the use of nitrogen inside this capsule is not permitted. “not compatible” with the objective of the Chemical Products Act, the minister explained.

Fiona Stewart, an attorney and member of The Last Resort’s advisory board, said Tuesday that the association had “He always acted with the legal advice of his lawyers”. “Since 2021, they have always considered the use of Sarco in Switzerland to be legal”the organization emphasizes in its press release.

Co-President of The Last Resort, Florian Willet “He was the only person present at the time of death” and described the American’s death as “calm, fast and dignified”.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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