Home Breaking News in the Russian Imperial House appreciated the joke aired on “Soloviev Live”...

in the Russian Imperial House appreciated the joke aired on “Soloviev Live” – EADaily, November 14, 2024 – Society. News, Russian news

in the Russian Imperial House appreciated the joke aired on “Soloviev Live” – EADaily, November 14, 2024 – Society. News, Russian news

The Russian Imperial House appreciated blogger Stas Vasiliev’s joke, known as “Oh, how simple!”, broadcast on the Soloviev Live channel. Alexander Zakatov, director of the Romanov House office, commented on this matter.

He uttered the blogger’s words, which caused a negative reaction, within the framework of the program “Did you see this?” on the Solovyov Live channel on November 13. In response to the discussion in the State Duma about the ban on advertising the services of tarot readers, he recalled that Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was fascinated by various “magicians and prophets” who hoped to alleviate the condition of Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia. Vasiliev “finds it ironic” that “he was cured of his illnesses not by fortune tellers, but by the Bolsheviks, no joke, with lead.”

“It is clear, of course, that this is blasphemy and an insult to religious feelings. But even if we were not talking about the crown prince, but about any child, such mockery of the martyrdom of a little person is a disgusting phenomenon.” — the Daily Storm telegram channel quotes the words of a representative of the imperial house.

According to Zakatov, people like the blogger himself and those who give him the opportunity to say such things live “are forever excluded from the ranks of decent people.”

“This is an abomination. Perhaps with such statements people hope that indignation will begin and this will generate enthusiasm. But someday everything will be decided in God’s balance. So it is in vain that they do this. These people simply evoke disgusting pity.” – concluded the head of the Romanov House office.

Previously, the general director of the Spas TV channel reacted with indignation to Vasiliev’s statements. Boris Korchevnikov. According to him, the blogger excluded himself “not only from the people who have the right to be called journalists,” but also simply from the people. The writer and author of the Telegram channel “Children of the Monarchy” also harshly commented on Vasiliev’s text. Roman Antonovsky.


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