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HomeBreaking NewsIn the United States, a surgeon mistakenly removed a patient's liver and...

In the United States, a surgeon mistakenly removed a patient’s liver and the patient died

In the United States, a surgeon killed a patient by mistakenly removing his liver instead of his spleen. Now the deceased’s wife is demanding that the doctor be brought to justice.

Oku.Az This was reported by the newspaper “The Philippine Star”.

A terrible incident occurred in Florida. There, 70-year-old Bill Bryan visited the clinic with health problems and the doctors sent him to surgery. The surgeon had to remove his spleen.

However, during the operation, Dr. Thomas Shaknovsky mistakenly removed the liver instead of the spleen. During the operation, he cut the main blood vessels supplying the liver. A large amount of blood loss began. The patient died on the operating table.

That’s not all. Unaware of his mistake, the doctor told Brian’s wife that the “spleen” was so damaged that it had grown to four times its normal size and had moved to the other side of the patient’s body.

The woman now intends to appeal to the courts. She wants to bring the surgeon to justice and claims that the doctor actually killed his wife.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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