Home Latest News In what case should the child’s temperature not be lowered? Doctor’s warning

In what case should the child’s temperature not be lowered? Doctor’s warning

In what case should the child’s temperature not be lowered? Doctor’s warning

High temperature in a child is the main cause of concern for parents. Many moms and dads try to lower it as quickly as possible using various methods. But some methods are not only ineffective, but also dangerous to health.

Oku.AzAccording to Gazeta.ru, Russian pediatrician Victoria Kostritskaya warned about this.

According to the doctor, one of the most common mistakes is trying to lower the temperature below 38-38.5°C. This fever is considered mild and helps the body fight infections. By reducing it unnecessarily, parents can slow the healing process and weaken the natural immune response.

Speaking of other methods, the specialist urged not to clean the child with cold water or ice, because this causes the skin to cool and the peripheral blood vessels to constrict.

“This creates the illusion that the temperature has dropped, while the core temperature may continue to rise. The child may begin to shiver, which increases heat production and worsens the condition. Putting the child in a cold bath or applying a cold compress on the entire body can cause shock and vasospasm. This also creates a risk of serious complications,” the expert added.

He also noted that the cleaning method with alcohol or vinegar solutions is dangerous because it can cause poisoning.

“Alcohol fumes are quickly absorbed through the skin and respiratory tract, which is especially dangerous for young children. Vinegar can also cause chemical skin irritation and unwanted reactions. Do not wrap the child in a blanket or warm clothing, as this causes a disturbance in heat exchange that cannot be reduced efficiently, which can lead to dangerous consequences, including heat stroke,” the expert emphasized.

In addition, the pediatrician warned parents against frequent and uncontrolled use of antipyretic drugs. According to the doctor, it is also important for the child to wait for the correct water regime during the illness.


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