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HomeIncident with an Israeli at Munich airport

Incident with an Israeli at Munich airport

Fortunately, Michael and Eti Lahav, a married couple who have volunteered with the Israeli Ambulance Service (MADA) for many years, were nearby. They took this tour to celebrate 50 years of marriage and reportedly did not expect the trip to end up saving a man’s life.

Details of the incident were reported on mynet.

Michael, 73, and Eti Lahav, 71, from the village of Nirit, have been MADA volunteers for 13 years, where they work as senior paramedics. This year, to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, they bought a tour package that also included Yakov and his wife. On the last day of the trip, a few hours before flying from Munich to Israel, Yakov’s heart suddenly stopped and he lost consciousness.

Eti, who was nearby, quickly assessed the situation and noticed that Yakov had no pulse and was not breathing. She called her husband for help and together they began resuscitation. Michael asked the tour guide to call an ambulance and Athy used the defibrillator located at the airport. After two shocks, the heart function was restored and an ambulance arrived and took Yakov to the hospital.

After nine days in a Munich hospital, Yakov returned to Israel for rehabilitation. This week he met with Michael and Athy to thank them for the rescue and talk about his experiences.

Michael and Athy said that sometimes lives need to be saved in the most unexpected places. They noted that in this situation they relied on all the experience they had accumulated at MADA and expressed their joy at being able to help Yakov. While they enjoy the journey, they say that nothing compares to the satisfaction of saving a life. The couple stressed the importance of resuscitation skills and noted that Yakov’s case demonstrated how useful these skills can be in the most unexpected circumstances.

Yakov, in turn, admitted that he felt fine during the trip and could not foresee how it would end. He expressed his deep gratitude to Michael and Athy, calling them “saving angels” and noted that their quick reaction and decisive actions helped him survive.

Previously, Cursor reported that a fatal incident involving a Delta plane occurred in Atlanta.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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