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HomeLatest NewsIndignation of unions and professional associations, which are already studying the mobilizations

Indignation of unions and professional associations, which are already studying the mobilizations

If, in recent history, something has united all the police unions and civil guard associations, it is their opposition to the reform of the law on citizen security in the terms in which the partners of Pedro Sánchez proposed it. For this reason, the announcement made this morning by none other than Bildu, heir to Batasuna, that they had reached an agreement with the government almost under the same conditions as those rejected by the last legislature, caused enormous indignation in both instances. to the point that energetic mobilizations are already being considered. The three subjects agreed with Bildu are particularly sensitive for the security forces. The reduction of sanctions or directly their elimination for disrespect for authority and disobedience, because this will mean a weakening of their authority on the streets, precisely at a time when attacks on police officers and civil guards are reaching historic heights. The measure, according to all police sources consulted, will mean an increase in the feeling of impunity that many individuals already feel, which leads them to harass, harass and insult officers without any qualms. The elimination of rubber bullets in riot gear. , because it means leaving them more defenseless in the face of very aggressive masses, which puts them in a more dangerous situation. It is striking that the government accepted this reform, which was one of the red lines set by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, during the previous legislature, so that unions and associations do not understand this change of opinion only as an additional price to pay to the independence and radical partners of Sánchez to be able to continue in the Moncloa Palace Norm Yes The Government gives in to Bildu and lifts all its red lines in the reform of the Citizen Security Law Juan Casillas/. PAtricia RomeroHay It should be remembered, for example, that during the very harsh riots that took place in Barcelona after the 1-O, the Mossos d’Esquadra, who had been banned for a long time from using rubber balls, gave in The National Police therefore used this anti-riot equipment, aware that it was the only way to control the radicals. It should be remembered that during these events, two national police officers almost died without being seriously injured by the pro-independence rioters. The third reform announced, that of expulsions at the borders, also attracts the attention of police unions and associations. the Civil Guard because it is legislation validated by a judgment of the Constitutional Court and fully comparable to other European legislation. In this case, this reform will be carried out through the Immigration Law, but again the transfer of a government which, for example, has in its history the expulsion from Ceuta of hundreds of minors who entered en masse in a illegal country without following a This is one of the procedures required by law, as justice has already indicated. The unions are speaking. The United Police Union (SUP) recalls that it has always taken a position against this reform “which seems to be written against the police more than to promote it. the proper exercise of their function. “Instead of reinforcing the principle of authority,” he adds, “it contributes to encouraging behavior contrary to the law by depriving the police of one of its main tools.” This morning, Jupol expressed its “indignation” at this agreement and assures that the agreement reached “This endangers the security of the police and dynamites the principle of authority.” “It is worrying – he adds – that it is the heirs of ETA who determine the actions of the security forces” and announces that he is already studying all possible measures to stop the reform of the Spanish Confederation of police (CEP). a statement released this morning demands Marlaska’s resignation after the deal and describes the removal of rubber bullets as “the greatest assault on effectiveness that public safety professionals have suffered throughout democracy.” In addition, the reduction of sanctions for disobedience or lack of respect and humiliation are, according to this union, decisions which will seriously affect police activity in the street, considering that “this project is a contempt for the physical and legal security of the agents . “There is a clear intention to limit their ability to act in the event of major social conflict, calling into question the action of the police. We ask the Minister of the Interior that such a sensitive law be left aside of politicization. The Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC) assures for its part that “the government cannot continue to use the civil guards as a bargaining chip to tie their interests to work”. “Agents need tools to be able to act safely at a time when attacks continue to increase.” For the AUGC “it is urgent to strengthen the principle of authority with the modification of the Jucil Penal Code”. believes that with this reform, the Government “risks the lives of the civil guards and the police just for the political game of Bildu supporting the General Budgets of the State. In addition, he assures that this new regulation should be called”. “Law of hatred of the police and the civil guard”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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