A famous Spanish newspaper stated that infanta Sofiathe youngest daughter of kings Philip VI And Letiziawould be in court with one of the richest heirs who resides in Madrid. The young woman, who is studying her last year of high school at the University Kingdom Unitedmaintains a more reserved public life than that of his sister, Princess Leonor, who will in the future be the queen of the nation.
According to what ‘El Nacional de Catalunya’ reports, the Infanta Sofia would be giving her first chance to love. However, it emphasizes that the happy hypothesis is a exclusive heir of the elite of Madrid with a very large fortune.
According to the media, The Infanta had been dating a young man for 8 months whom he met at a boarding school in Wales before the December holidays last year. In addition, they also added that they had already gone out together several times in Wales and Madrid.
“Sofia and her lover have lived many moments togetherbehaving like any other teenage couple. The summer holidays have allowed Sofia to spend more time with her “special friend”, strengthening a relationship that is already a topic of conversation in Madrid’s high society,” they said in ‘El Nacional de Catalunya’.
Despite the revealing statements from the aforementioned media outlets, there is still no way to confirm that the Infanta Sofia In fact, she is dating a wealthy heir to Spanish high society.