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HomeLatest NewsInterior accuses five police officers detained in Seville of criminal organization, theft...

Interior accuses five police officers detained in Seville of criminal organization, theft and coercion

The five national police officers arrested on Tuesday in the Sevillian city of Alcalá de Guadaíra are being investigated for a long list of crimes, including membership in a criminal organization. The report from the Internal Affairs Unit that the judge will review describes the complete operation of the gang, which includes the crimes of embezzlement, revealing secrets, coercion, breaking and entering and failure to prosecute the crimes, elDiario learned from sources close to the investigation.

The detainees belong to the Alcalá de Guadaira drug group, led by a sub-inspector, who was also arrested. Internal Affairs investigations identified them as part of a broader operation, directed against a small drug-selling organization, but also at a higher level, always in the area of ​​the Sevillian city, which has more than 70,000 inhabitants.

In addition to the five police officers, 18 people were arrested in an operation that shook the day in Alcalá de Guadaíra. Dozens of agents, deployed throughout the city, carried out a total of 20 searches, on the orders of the city’s investigating court number 3.

The national police officers remain at the disposal of their colleagues from the Interior and it is expected that they will be at the disposal of the judge throughout this Thursday. After taking their statements, Judge Jorge Bodes will decide on their situation, whether to release them, with or without precautionary measures, or whether to order their entry into provisional prison.

This is the second operation of similar characteristics that the Internal Affairs Unit of the Police has carried out in southern Spain in recent years. In September 2021, the Internal Affairs dismantled a criminal organization that would be made up of all the members of the Narcotics Group at the Mérida police station. That same month of September, a judge in the capital of Extremadura prosecuted six police officers in this investigation, as reported by The magistrate proposes that they be tried for belonging to a criminal organization, among other crimes.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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