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Iran and Venezuela financed it

Pablo Iglesias will have to pay 12,000 euros to OKDIARIO for the trial they lost before the Supreme Court to try to gag the director of this newspaper, Eduardo Inda, who publicly denounced the fact that the dictatorships of Iran and Venezuela had financed it.

The judgment of the Civil Chamber condemns the payment of costs for the presentation of an appeal entirely rejected. Sources consulted by this newspaper reveal that the loss of the trial will result in the former leader of the purple group paying at least 12,000 euros into the coffers of the publishing company of this media. All this without prejudice to having to pay other notions on the other hand, such as for example the payment of their own lawyers.

The judicial ruling, in which judge Rafael Sarazá Jimena was rapporteur, recalls that the Code of Civil Procedure stipulates that “the costs of the cassation appeal must be imposed on the applicants”. Likewise, they indicate: “It is also appropriate to agree on the loss of the deposit constituted in accordance with the organic law of the judicial power”.

This is the third judgment handed down by the courts against Pablo Iglesias on this issue. The initial lawsuit was filed on May 4, 2021 and was canceled by the Court of First Instance number 33 of Madrid. Then, the former second vice-president of the Government resorted to
Provincial Court of Madrid. In this case, the Eighth Section once again overturned the claims of the former purple leader and ordered him to pay costs. Unhappy with the second legal setback, they filed an appeal to overturn both convictions before the Supreme Court, which for the first time is reviewing a lawsuit filed by Iglesias against Inda. He does this to uphold the sentences of lower courts. He maintains that, as the judges of first and second instance said, there is a factual basis to assert that Iglesias and Podemos were financed from Caracas and Tehran, or, which is the same thing, from the Republic Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

There was no disgrace in telling the truth that Iglesias received money in abundance from undemocratic countries. This is what Inda forcefully stated in Ana Rosa’s programon Telecinco, April 12, 2021. “One day the media will have to reflect on the constant promotion of this character (in reference to Pablo Iglesias) and his party, when it is an antidemocratic party, financed by two dictatorships: the Venezuelan, which murder of dissidentsand the Iranian, who hangs homosexuals and stones women. In addition to the statements on television as a host, Inda published an article and a video on the same day in OKDIARIO in which she reiterated these accusations, extending them to the secretary general of Podemos and other senior party officials. , contextualizes the sentence.

After analysis, the Supreme Court considers correct the decision of the Provincial Court, which concluded that the honor of the plaintiffs had not been violated. They consider it good that the CEPS Foundation which, according to the trial itself, was “precursor» of the Podemos party, and through relevant people within this political movement, they received funds from the regime of Hugo Chávez. Likewise, they discussed the financing by Iran, publicly recognized by Pablo Iglesias himself during a conference, where he indicated that it was necessary to “overcome” these contradictions. He received lucrative contracts to produce programs for the Iranian television delegation in Spain and they even paid his cell phone bills.

The Court clarifies that, although there was debate as to whether the funds were received as direct financing or payment for services or television programs, or if Podemos or a foundation linked to the party received them directly before its creation, these questions does not eliminate a sufficient factual basis which supports Inda’s statements. The Chamber stressed that the context in which the accusations were made – the criticism of the democratic character of Podemos and its financial links with two regimes considered dictatorships by the accused – legitimizes the exercise of freedom of expression by the journalist.

“The broadcast of the television program and the publication of the article took place during the regional election campaign in the Community of Madrid, where Podemos broadcast a video in which the image of several journalists appeared, including Inda, just before the image of a young woman who performed the fascist saluteand we said They have already spoken And “Only they are listened to” remember the Supreme. Then, they recall that the political formation of Ana Rosa Quintana spoke precisely about the targeting of journalists by politicians Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero. “Inda referred to this issue in the video published in the digital newspaper, in which she stated that Iglesias had insulted, slandered and defamed as well as other journalists.

Journalists such as Eduardo Inda, Ana Rosa Quintana, Ana Terradillos, Francisco Marhuenda and María Claver appeared in the video. Four years later, they continue to inform Spanish society and Iglesias has lost the power he enjoyed within the government and justice turns its back on him when he brings to court statements that, according to him, undermine his honor.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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