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Iran calls for emergency meeting with UN Security Council after assassination of Hassan Nasrallah

The representative of Iran before the United Nations, Saeed Iravani, called this Saturday evening in a letter for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to address the Israeli attacks in Lebanon and the assassination of the leader of the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallahduring a bombing south of Beirut on Friday.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran urges the Security Council to take decisive and immediate action to end Israel’s continued aggression and avoid dragging the region into full-scale war,” the statement said.

Iran has called on the Security Council to pressure Israel to end its “acts of aggression and atrocious crimes” in Gaza and Lebanon and respect UN resolutions.

“Israel carried out a blatant act of terrorist aggression in residential areas of Beirut, using bunker-busting munitions supplied by the United States to assassinate Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah and symbol of resistance against the occupation and Israeli aggression in southern Lebanon,” Iravani said in the letter addressed to the rotating president of the Security Council, Slovenian Samuel Zbogar.

Iravani warned that Israel’s actions ““They are pushing the entire region towards open catastrophe.” and recalled that Iranian General Abas Nilforushan also died in yesterday’s bombings.

“Iran will not hesitate to exercise its right inherent in international law to take all measures to defend its vital national and security interests,” Iravani said in the letter, in which he recalled the attack, attributed to Israel , which affected its diplomatic relations. mission to Damascus in April, during which eight members of the Revolutionary Guards were killed.

Khamenei threatens Israel

This Saturday, the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ali Khameneiurged Muslims around the world to support the Lebanese Shiite group, after recent Israeli bombings on Beirut’s suburbs reportedly left the Lebanese movement’s leader Hasan Nasrallah dead.

“The killing of defenseless people in Lebanon has once again revealed to everyone the ferocity of the Zionist mad dog and demonstrated the short-sightedness and stupid policies of the leaders of the usurping regime (Israel),” the highest Iranian authority said.

“It is obligatory for all Muslims to proudly support the people of Lebanon and Hezbollah with their resources and help them confront this usurping, cruel and evil regime. [Israel]“This is what the Iranian Supreme Leader insisted in a statement published on his website.

Khamenei also warned that the Lebanese people would do what was necessary. “the aggressor and the evil enemy” repents and added that the fate of this region will be decided by the resistance forces led by Hezbollah.




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