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HomeBreaking NewsIran unable to reach Zangezur highway: Tehran to lower 'red line'

Iran unable to reach Zangezur highway: Tehran to lower ‘red line’

The “red line” is the state’s interest. Every state is trying to protect it. Because an attack on this line means a threat to security, a violation of it. As a rule, every state is aware of its security within its borders and does not allow the “red line” to be crossed.

But what happens when that line is broken? War, conflict, etc. is happening.

Authorities and regimes of some countries draw their “red line” on the territory of another state, contrary to its interests. What is this behavior called? Interfering in another person’s internal affairs is considered a violation of international law and relations.

Regional global security is interconnected.

In addition to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that “we are ready to resolve all contentious issues with Azerbaijan, including the communications issue, through direct negotiations,” it is the Iranian authorities who are most irritated by the claim that these transport routes will be protected by the foreign security service.

Commenting on the issue, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi told Page X that regional peace, security and stability are not only a priority, but also one of the pillars of his country’s national security: “Regional peace, security and stability are not only a priority, they are the pillars of our national security. From the north, any threat to the territorial integrity of our neighbors from the south, east or west, or the redrawing of borders, is unacceptable. This is Iran’s “red line.”

Mehdi Subhani, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic in Armenia, known for his anti-Azerbaijani speeches, once again played the role of a “regional mediator”, getting ahead of his minister. Referring to Azerbaijan, he said about the opening of the road to Zangezur: “The dreams and desires of some people regarding the so-called corridor passing through Sünik (referring to the Zangezur district – ed.) will not come true. The territorial integrity of our neighbors is in danger. Our “red line” is ours.”

Let us draw the attention of Minister Aragchi and the ambassador to the fact that security is a “red line” for all states. Threatening regional security creates a global problem in several cases. For example, proxy forces such as Iran’s Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, Fatimidun in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Zenaybiyun in Iraq, and Hashdi-Shabi in Iraq threaten not only the security of a country or region, but also global security. Or why does the Tehran government, which cares about the security and territory of neighboring countries, keep the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guard (Sepah) operating in foreign countries? The “Quds” army often intervenes in the internal affairs of the countries of Iraq and Syria. The Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah coordinate the war against Israel.

Concerned about the security and territorial integrity of countries in the region, the Tehran government spends millions of dollars on Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and others to erase Israel from the political map of the world.

When Azerbaijani lands were occupied by Armenia, it seems that Tehran’s pen broke and it was unable to draw the “red line.” During those years, Iranian officials never condemned Iran for its aggressive and aggressive activities, and did not say that “the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, a Muslim land, is our dividing line.”

Now, the Tehran authorities, who consider themselves patrons of Muslims and the oppressed, have created a “fifth column” here with the aim of disrupting Azerbaijan’s security, spreading Khomeini’s revolutionary doctrine and gathering supporters. Apparently, in this way, the security of neighbours and the territorial integrity of Iran are guaranteed.

When it comes to territorial integrity, why can’t Iran resolve the three-island issue with the UAE? The emirate claims three islands as its territory: Abu Musa, Big Tomb and Little Tomb. Iranian authorities have evicted residents, mostly UAE citizens, from the island with military police forces.

The Iranian government considers Armenia to be Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Palestine and interferes in their internal affairs. Opening and closing roads on its own territory is the internal affair of each country. Or fulfilling the assumed obligation is one of the fundamental principles of international law. Therefore, Yerevan has an official international obligation to open the Zangezur highway. It is obliged to fulfill it. In this case, its sovereignty and territorial integrity are not violated. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Mnatsakan Safaryan responded to the concerns of Aragchi and the authorities he represents by saying that “a foreign private company will protect the road, this will not violate the sovereignty of your country.” This also means that the opening of the Zangezur highway will not violate the territorial integrity of Armenia.

The statute of the working group on the delimitation and demarcation of the borders between Azerbaijan and Armenia was approved without discussion in the Armenian parliament yesterday. This is one of the steps taken to protect the territorial integrity of both countries.

Therefore, the statements of Araghy ​​and his ambassador are inappropriate and illegal. From their speeches it almost seems that the issues concerning Armenia’s territory and the measures to be taken by the official from Yerevan should be discussed with Iran. Will Iran start a war with Armenia if its claim is not met? Or will it threaten the safety of the highway with an attack? Iran does not have the courage to do such things. Because this is interfering in the internal affairs of another country. The Zangezur highway will limit Tehran’s activities in the South Caucasus. It will have to gallop its horses through the region like Rustam Zal (a Sassanid fighter who escaped from the battle with the Arabs).

The opening, operation and safety of the Zangezur highway is the “red line” of Azerbaijan and Armenia, not Iran. Therefore, in this direction, Iran will have to lower its line a little further.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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