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HomeBreaking NewsIran's attack on Russia tells the West: Zangezur highway will be open...

Iran’s attack on Russia tells the West: Zangezur highway will be open to all

Once again, the creation of a new geopolitical situation in the region has been confirmed by the liberation of Azerbaijani lands from occupation. This is most evident when large projects are about to be implemented in the South Caucasus. Those who do not adapt to the existing conditions, those who cannot adapt or those who do not want to adapt, find themselves in a desperate situation. They blame others for their situation.

In recent days, Iran has been irritated by Russia’s statement on the realization of the Zangezur highway. Official Moscow accepted the opening of this road in a tripartite statement signed on November 10, 2020. From this point of view, its positive approach to the issue can be considered as a reiteration of its position.

Iranian authorities have declared this issue a “red line” and said they will not agree to “changing borders in the region and closing the Millennium Road” since this idea was discussed.

Yesterday, Secretary of Iran’s National Security Council Ali Akbar Ahmadian visited Russia to discuss the Zangezur highway issue.

It was reported that he met with the Secretary of the National Security Council of Russia, Sergei Shoigu. The Kremlin representative drew the attention of his Iranian counterpart to the clear and stable position of his country regarding the Zangezur highway: “Moscow is faithful to the previous agreements with Tehran on the Zangezur highway and our policy in this direction has not changed in any way.”

Shoigu responded to the UAE’s claims about the Abu Musa, Big Tomb and Little Tomb islands, saying that official Moscow recognises these territories as Iranian lands: “Russia supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic.”

There have been heated discussions between Russian and Iranian officials, politicians and analysts over the Zangezur highway in recent days.

The Tehran authorities oppose the opening of the highway, calling it the “Turan highway”, “Turkish unity”, “NATO highway” and condemning Russia for agreeing to the implementation of this project. From such statements and diplomatic arguments, it can be concluded that all these claims are not against Azerbaijan, but against Russia.

Tehran and Moscow are under pressure and sanctions from the Western bloc. In recent days, the United States and Britain have imposed new sanctions on both countries. The United States accuses Iran of supplying Russia with ballistic missiles, which the other side denies.

Furthermore, it is no secret that there is some understanding between the two countries regarding the trade in oil and natural gas.

Speaking at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum on September 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Iran has long wanted to supply them with natural gas: “Iran has been asking us for gas supplies for a long time. This is a very convenient place for us, the field is nearby. I suppose it is a completely viable project. I mean, the markets are very large in Iran’s neighbouring countries.”

According to him, Gazprom will be able to restore its gas export volumes both to new markets and to the domestic market thanks to the growth of the Russian economy.

According to a recent report, Gazprom (MOEX: GAZP) is seeking to enter the Iranian market with pipeline supplies. In June 2024, Moscow and Tehran signed the corresponding memorandum. According to analysts’ calculations, Russia can export 3-10 billion cubic meters of gas to Iran annually.

In addition, Iran plans to purchase 20 Mi-26, 12 Mi-17 and three Ka-32A11M heavy helicopters from Russia.

It can be assumed that Ali Akbar Ahmadian drew the attention of Russian officials to these issues. This trip also resulted in Russia recognizing three islands as Iranian territory.

Iran is putting pressure on Russia using the Zangezur highway as an excuse. One can conclude that it is trying to reconcile its anti-RF policy with this. That is why it is allegedly trying to pass off Russia’s consent to the opening of the Zangezur highway as a “red line” that it never followed. Because the official line drawn by Tehran is a violation of the sovereign rights of the neighboring country. With this step, Tehran wants Russia to act as an independent player in the Caucasus and take its interests into account.

Iran has prioritized Russia’s interests in this region. More precisely, after the Treaty of Turkmenchay signed in 1828, Tehran based its regional policy on the principle of “Russia first.” It seems that Iran is trying to move away from this principle using the Zangezur highway as an excuse.

There is no doubt that Azerbaijan has no territorial claims against Armenia. Official Baku has repeatedly emphasized that it has no territorial claims against another state. The Zangezur highway is purely a transport route. The opening of the highway will not negatively affect the transport line between Iran and Armenia. As before, Iran can reach Georgia and the Black Sea basin through Armenia, etc.

From this point of view, the road project of Tehran officials and the propaganda machine are inappropriate. Therefore, it can be assumed that Iran sees this issue as a means of trade. In other words, if Tehran does not oppose the implementation of the Zangezur project, “what will happen to me?” hints. It wants to convey to Russia that it can reconcile its positions with the West vis-a-vis Moscow. In this case, on the Ukrainian front, in the future a problem will arise in the natural gas market that Russia plans to implement in Iran. Such a situation would mean that Russia would lose one of its partners in the international world.

Thus, at the meeting with Ali Akbar Ahmadian, Shoigu unequivocally recognized the three disputed islands as Iranian lands. This can be considered as Moscow’s first gift to Tehran.

Iran seems to be expecting participation and concessions from the West in relation to the project we are talking about. Tehran has shown itself to be walking all over Russia. This behaviour of the Islamic Republic can be considered as an announcement to obtain concessions from the West.

Iranian authorities say they want to develop relations with their neighbours and Muslim countries. In this sense, their Turkish states have the most to gain from the relations. So there is no need to differentiate between Russia and the West.

Azerbaijan is also actively involved in the creation of the North-South corridor. The republic has invested millions of dollars in the implementation of the project. Therefore, official Baku is interested in the realization of routes in all directions. This creates an additional opportunity for the expansion of cooperation and relations between the region and foreign countries. Iran itself can benefit from the Zangezur highway as an alternative route to enter European markets.

An Iranian attack on Russia would be detrimental to both sides. For Tehran and Moscow, reaching a common denominator on the Zangezur road is considered the most successful way out. Therefore, this corridor will be open to all. Those who close good open doors often lose.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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