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Iran’s pawn at the head of Hezbollah

Hassan Nasrallah (1960, Beirut), eliminated by Israel last Friday, became secretary general and leadership of Hezbollah in 1992 after the elimination of his predecessor in an Israeli bombing. His organization, considered terrorist by many countries – including Spain – is responsible for several decades of attacks against Israel. Under the direct command of the regime Ayatollah of Iran -creators and financiers of the group-, Nasralá was one of the most coveted pieces for the security of Israel. Especially since the 2006 war, after which he went underground and lived in secret locations.

The explosion of 3,000 devices look for Last week in Lebanon, one of the most devastating operations against the terrorist group Hezbollah took place. And confirmation that Israel was one step ahead of the group’s security team. Something that was confirmed after the elimination of Nasralá, whom the management of the organization kept under strict security measures.

Nasrallahwhom Israel considers dead, was born into a Shiite family in southern Lebanon. His political and religious formation was influenced by the Shiite Islamic movement and Iranian clergy. Ruhollah Khomeinileader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran of 1979. Nasrallah He joined Hezbollah in the early years of the organization, created in 1982 during the Israeli operation in Lebanon, as a strike force for its interests in the region.

After the death of Abbas al-Musawi, the former leader of Hezbollah, during an Israeli airstrike in 1992, Nasrallah took charge of the group. Under his command, Hezbollah grew from a small insurgent militia to a well-equipped and financed paramilitary force, benefiting from financial and military support from Iran.

Under the direction of NasrallahHezbollah has been involved in several major conflicts with Israel, including the 2006 Lebanon War. Nasrallah He became an iconic figure after this conflict, being seen by some as the symbol against the “Israeli occupation”, even though the confrontation left Lebanon devastated and divided.

While Hezbollah has justified its attacks as part of its “resistance” against Israeli occupation, the group has been associated with terrorist activities outside the region, including the attack on AMIA in Buenos Aires in 1994 , which left 85 dead. Nasrallah and Hezbollah have also been accused of participating in the Syrian civil war in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime, which has extended the group’s influence beyond Lebanon.

Since 2006, Hasan Nasrallah has lived in hiding, moving between secret locations to avoid being the target of Israeli attacks. Despite his confinement, he remains a powerful media figure, known for his televised speeches which appeal to both his supporters and his enemies. One of his last warnings, before the massive operation with the you are looking fortargeted the use of cell phones. Nasrallah warned that they were all intervened by Israel.


THE Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced this Saturday the elimination of the supreme leader of the Lebanese Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah. According to information provided by Israel, he was hit during the intense bombardments they launched in the afternoon and night of Friday in the southern suburbs of Beirut, the stronghold of the organization.

“Hasan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world,” the Israeli army published on its social media account. There is no longer any leadership in the organization, since the second echelons have also been removed.

Hasan Nasrallah was the leader of the terrorist organization since becoming its leader in 1992. He is responsible for all attacks carried out by the militia against Israel, founded by Iran in 1982. Without the cleric, analysts predict that the group is doomed to failure. disappearance.

With his death, Israel completes operation against leaders of the organization. Last week, Ibrahim Aqil, Hezbollah’s chief of operations, was eliminated, along with his eleven commanders of regional forces and training units. A hard blow which left the militias without any real operational capacity on the ground and practically without the possibility of organizing major attacks against Israel.

Israel also recently eliminated Fuad Suqur, considered the organization’s top strategist and Nasrallah’s right-hand man. The brains of Hezbollah. And with him, another group of “military” commanders and leaders of the terrorist group also fell. But, without a doubt, Nasrallah was Israel’s most sought-after piece.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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