Home Top Stories Irene Maclino “We are working on a permeable archaeological museum to which...

Irene Maclino “We are working on a permeable archaeological museum to which Cordobans have reason to return”

Irene Maclino “We are working on a permeable archaeological museum to which Cordobans have reason to return”


The new manager explains her plans to spread a cultural center to which she arrived almost at the same time as Pedro Abad’s ephebes

Irene Maclino, next to the “Dionysian” ephebe, at the Archaeological Museum of Cordoba Rafael Carmona

Irene Maclino He arrived at the Archaeological Museum of Cordoba almost at the same time as the ephebes of Pedro Abad, of whom he never tires of speaking with admiration for their exceptional character. Its integration into the center’s permanent collection is the great…

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