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HomeBreaking NewsIrevan, which has become hostage to Baku's continued peace initiatives and unfounded...

Irevan, which has become hostage to Baku’s continued peace initiatives and unfounded claims.

As a result of the Second Karabakh War and one-day anti-terrorist measures, Azerbaijan has secured its territorial integrity and created a new reality in the South Caucasus. The current reality presupposes the provision of peace and stability in the region, as well as an environment of cooperation. Official Baku uses every opportunity to do so.

After the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan took a step that was unusual in history: despite being the victorious side, it made a peace proposal. Armenia has not yet responded to Azerbaijan’s proposals. On the contrary, it is prolonging the time.

The steps taken by official Baku to promote peace and stability in the region are also on the agenda of international media. Thus, the British newspaper “The Standard” published a few days ago in an article entitled “How the restoration of Karabakh gives hope to war-torn regions” it is written that Azerbaijan’s activity aimed at strengthening stability in the South Caucasus demonstrates the importance of a correct approach to the peace plan.

In his article, the author presents a detailed description of the events related to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

He noted that one of the main obstacles to the rapid restoration of life in the region after almost thirty years of Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani territories is the threat of landmines. As a result, since the beginning of the conflict in 1991, the total number of landmine victims among Azerbaijanis has reached 3,456.

The article notes that the Azerbaijani government pays great attention to the process of demining the territories. In particular, according to the public trade union “Azerbaijan Campaign Against Landmines”, the country has spent about $350 million over the past four years on humanitarian demining.

The publication notes that Azerbaijani authorities are actively restoring infrastructure in the region, paying special attention to the transport and energy sectors:

“Access to the region (Karabakh) has become easier thanks to the construction of two international airports in Fuzuli and Zangilanda, another airport is being built, in Lachin, and major road and railway construction projects are underway.”

“The road network remains the most important element of the economic and social recovery of the Karabakh region,” the author stresses.

The article mentions that about 8,000 people have already returned to Karabakh and eastern Zangezur, and their number will reach 20,000 by the end of 2024. In this regard, housing construction is being actively carried out in the region.

The author noted that another priority for the Azerbaijani government is the development of green energy, which will ensure full energy supply of this region: “This is of particular interest, because in November this year the country will host COP29, and in 2026 the World Urban Forum.”

“The plan to strengthen resilience in the South Caucasus is still under active implementation. Its aim is to demonstrate that an adequate, peaceful and internationally recognized recovery plan can be the solution even after decades of tension,” the article said.

It should be noted that the events in the South Caucasus in recent years seemed to many to be an illusion until 2020. Thus, thanks to the support received from its sponsors, Armenia continues its separatist activities on the territory of Azerbaijan and avoids sitting at the negotiating table. By the way, the activity (inactivity) of the OSCE Minsk Group, whose existence has already been de facto terminated, created the conditions for the “extension of arms and wings” of official Yerevan. Armenia tried to take full advantage of this situation. Nikol Pashinyan, who came to power in 2018, stated that “Karabakh is Armenia, period” and playing with a mane in Shusha were, so to speak, the last actions that exhausted Azerbaijan’s patience.

In 2020, Azerbaijan took advantage of favourable geopolitical conditions to do its job, but it also did what giant states could not do: guarantee international law.

After this, the foundations of a new stage in relations with Yerevan were laid and the issue of peace came to the fore. Immediately after liberating its territories from occupation, Azerbaijan began clearing Karabakh of mines, as well as carrying out reconstruction and restoration work.

As a result of the unique anti-terrorist measures adopted in 2023, the activities of the entrenched junta regime in Karabakh ceased once and for all.

Subsequently, thanks to the initiatives of official Baku, certain agreements were reached as a result of bilateral contacts with Yerevan.

That is why peace is now closer than ever.

Official statements from both Baku and Yerevan suggest that significant progress has been made towards peace. As mentioned, this was made possible by further bilateral contacts, especially Azerbaijan’s political will and diplomatic skills.

According to information from the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, about 80 percent of the text of the peace agreement has already been agreed upon. While this is positive in itself, it does not really mean anything yet. Even if 99 percent agreement is reached on the text of the peace agreement, if one percent of the disputed issues remain, then there can be no question of permanent stability. Moreover, even 100 percent agreement on the text does not mean that a peace agreement has been signed. Because there are specific points that prevent the signing of the peace agreement.

The most important of these are Armenia’s current territorial claims against Azerbaijan. A peace agreement will not be signed unless Armenia changes its constitution in accordance with the demands of official Baku. Official Yerevan does not seem to be thinking about this yet.

Moreover, Armenia does not stop military sabotage. It can be assumed that the firing of Azerbaijani positions is not due to the will of the Armenian authorities, but to the will of their sponsors who support them. Thus, it is clear that the West, especially the United States and France, are not interested in creating peace in the region. Because a possible peace depends on preventing their intervention in the region.

That is precisely why Western countries are trying to “muddy the waters” in the region with all their might. To do this, they are using Armenia, which is the weakest point in the region. The formula is simple: first arm Armenia and then provoke it into taking provocative measures.

The recent intensified military provocations are likely to be aimed at blocking any possible progress in negotiations.

In our opinion, the military-political power of Armenia understands that there is no alternative to peace and that it needs it most. However, being under the influence of third powers, it cannot show the necessary political will and becomes a victim of the games of the West.

It can be assumed that the aim of repeated military provocations on the eve of COP29, which will take place in Azerbaijan, is to provoke Baku to give an appropriate response, to create artificial tension in the region and to influence the participation of participants in the event.

On the other hand, Armenia’s participation in COP29 is expected. Most likely, the West is trying to prevent this by creating tensions in the region with Armenia’s own hands, as well as preventing the creation of more trust between the parties.

Another issue is related to Azerbaijan’s possible response to the ongoing provocations. The question arises: what measures will the Azerbaijani army take to provide an adequate response?

It will depend directly on the development of events.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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