Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 4:20 am
HomeLatest NewsIs the red flag already flying at the Bank of Spain?

Is the red flag already flying at the Bank of Spain?

I read all the press and listened to social meetings, to understand what was happening with the Bank of Spain, and this is what I got: The government attacks the Bank of Spain. The government takes control of the Bank of Spain. Sánchez occupies the Bank of Spain. The PSOE and its partners colonize another state institution. The Bank of Spain, at the service of the government. Invasion of the Bank of Spain. Another appointment that undermines the checks and balances of the rule of law. New example of autocratic temptations. Sánchez destroys the independence of the Bank and consolidates its autocracy. There are almost no more institutions to colonize. Follow the path of the Ibero-American radical left. Escriva, placed in the institution with the sole objective of transforming it into Banco de Sánchez. The Bank of Spain will be another government ministry. Sánchez will use Escriva as a political pawn. Squatter of Sánchez in the Bank of Spain. Escriva, minister in the morning, governor in the afternoon.

I read and listened to all of the above, and I said to myself: come on Isaac, the big day has arrived! I called the comrades, we agreed to meet at Cibeles. I took the red flag out of the storage room to fly it from the top of the noble building. Another comrade agreed to take a box of cigars to take the typical photo of a triumphant bearded revolutionary: sitting in the office of the governor of the Bank of Spain, boots on the table, rifle leaning in a corner, and smoking a cigar. On the way to the bank, I hummed old resistance songs, including “Bella Ciao”, which also appears in Money theft They robbed the Bank of Spain. But nothing: we arrived and there was no revolution there. The same guards at the door and the same liberal orthodoxy in the offices.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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