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HomeBreaking NewsIsrael closes border with Jordan after three Israelis shot from truck

Israel closes border with Jordan after three Israelis shot from truck

Israel closed its border crossings land with Jordan after deadly attack on cross the Allenby Bridgewhich connects the Palestinian territories of the West Bank to the country of Jordan.

The shooting took place when a man was driving a truck Ha open fire this Sunday when he crossed the Jordanian border into the occupied West Bank through the Allenby border crossing, causing the death of three Israeli civilians, as reported by the authorities who managed to appease the aggressor by shooting at the scene.

It’s a tough day” said the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu about the incident. “A disgusting terrorist murdered three of our civilians in cold blood.”

For his part, Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri, welcomed the attack and described it as a response to the offensive from Israel to Gaza. “We hope for many more similar actions,” he said.

The Israeli military had already described the attack as terrorist in a statement, saying: “A terrorist approached the Allenby Bridge area (north of the Dead Sea) from Jordan in a truck. He got out of the truck and opened fire on Israeli security forces operating on the bridge.

“The terrorist was eliminated by security forces“, they added, without giving details on the identity of the attacker.

Israeli authorities often use the term “terrorist” when an attack is carried out by a person of Palestinian origin for nationalist reasons.

Chronology of the attack

Israeli emergency services Magen David Adom (MDA) received a call about the attack at 8:55 a.m. local time and their paramedics rushed to the scene.

The rescuers, with the help of military doctors, “They declared three men deadaged approximately 50, from gunshot wounds,” MDA said in a statement.

The Army said the three dead were “Israeli civilians“.

“This This is a very serious incident.“We found three unconscious men, without a pulse and not breathing, with gunshot wounds. Together with the army medical team, we performed resuscitation efforts, but unfortunately we had to declare him dead at the scene,” said Yotam Tzur, MDA emergency medical technician.

Several soldiers were deployed to the scene to “dispel suspicions that The truck was loaded with explosives” assured the Army.

Meanwhile, the Allenby land crossing, used daily by thousands of Palestinians (who are not allowed to use Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport) was closedindicated to EFE the Israeli army.

They open an investigation

For their part, the Jordanian authorities They confirmed the closure and announced an investigation into the case.

In turn, a Jordanian border official said that at least 24 Jordanian truck drivers in the unloading area had been arrested during the israeli army to be questioned.

The Popular Resistance Committees, which bring together Palestinian militias, welcomed what they saw as the “heroic” operation as revenge for the “horrific massacres and genocide” perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people.

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said that the attacker He was a young Jordanian who “represents the conscience of all Arab youth,” and called on Palestinians to “follow the example and participate (…) in the resistance.”

Israel and Jordan

Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994 And They have close security ties.

Dozens of trailers They cross daily from Jordanwith goods from the Jordanian country and the Gulf which They supply both the West Bank and Israeli markets..

Other attacks against Israelis

Attacks against Israelis have also been carried out in the West Bank or the occupied West Bank, which is experiencing its greatest spiral of violence since the Second Intifada (2000-05).

In August, four Israelis – three civilians and a security guard – were killed by Palestinian attacks.

On September 1st, in turn, Three more Israeli police officers killed in shootout carried out by Palestinians against a police car at a military post in the Hebron region in the southern West Bank.

For its part, the Israeli army has increased its violent raids in the region and attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians have become more frequent and bloodier.

In recent days, Israeli forces have carried out a large-scale operation in the northern occupied West Bank. Using tanks, bulldozers and armored helicopters, and even snipers and explosive drones, the Israeli army killed 36 Palestinians during the 10-day incursion, including minors and the elderly.

So far, in 2024, At least 334 Palestinians have died in the occupied West Bank by Israeli fire, mainly from militiamen or attackers but also from civilians, including fifty minors, according to the count of EFE.

On the Israeli side, they died this year 28 people: 14 in uniform and 14 civilians, including six settlers.




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