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HomeBreaking NewsIsrael has the right and obligation to end Hamas

Israel has the right and obligation to end Hamas

On October 7, 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, launched a terrorist attack against the State of Israel. Nearly one thousand two hundred Israelis were killed. Innocent civilians. Women and children were massacred. Young women were raped.

The horrors were revealed within hours. Most, if not all, leaders of the free world expressed support for Israel and its right to defend itself. But at the same time, the industry of lies quickly got into action..

Instead of protesting the horrific Palestinian massacres and atrocities, academics and students began protesting against Israel. Social media became the main platform for lies and protests began on campuses.

Anti-Semitic demonstration on an American campus.


Not against Hamas. Not against atrocities. Not against mass murder. Against Israel.

Israel is not a colonialist state. The Gaza Strip is not a prison. Hamas is not a national liberation organization. The battle is not between Israel and Hamas. The battle is between the free world and jihad, of which Hamas is a part. It is a fight of moderate and honest Muslims, who constitute the majority, against the Islamists who murder and sow terror. Most of his victims are Muslims.

Jihad is the greatest enemy of the oppressed and the weak. 89.5% of deadly jihadist attacks are carried out in Muslim countries. Nearly 95% of the victims are Muslims and/or residents of poor countries, mainly in Africa.

“Zionism is humanism, not colonialism. The demand for Jewish self-determination has gained international recognition”

But in Berkeley and Oxford, there are no demonstrations against murderous jihad. There are only demonstrations in support of the most brutal oppressor of our time: jihad.

Zionism is humanism, not colonialism. Zionism began in the late 19th century, when many people were fed up with colonialism. The demand for Jewish self-determination gained international recognition.

Were my grandparents, who fled Yemen over a hundred years ago, in 1920, colonialists?

Were Jews Fleeing Pogroms in Russia Colonialists?

Were the Holocaust survivors, who had nowhere to go after World War II, who had no money, colonialists?

The US-led coalition launched the “war on terror” in 2001 and bombed Fallujah, Mosul and Raqqa to defeat al-Qaeda or ISIS. Hundreds of thousands of people died.

It was not a war crime. It was necessary, even though the West suffered no existential threat..

US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a file image.

Europe Press

Israel has not only the right, but also the duty to defeat Hamas. As soon as Israel stops shooting, the axis of evil announces that it will renew its efforts to destroy Israel. This is what it says Razi HamadA senior Hamas official: “October 7 was only the first time. There will be a second, a third and a fourth time.”

ISIS is Hamas. In 2014, the former leader of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi He said the organization’s goal was a global caliphate and that Rome, the Vatican’s capital, was the primary target.

Six years earlier, in 2008, Younis al-AstalOne of Hamas’ leaders, Al-Aqsa TV, called on Hamas to “conquer Rome, as well as the two Americas.”

In 2012, it was the Dr. Subhi al-Yazijione of the directors of the Islamic University of Gaza, who declared on the Hamas channel: “We will raise the flag of the Islamic caliphate over the Vatican.”

In the same line, Mahmoud al-ZaharHamas leadership member, said: “The Jerusalem army will not only liberate the lands of Palestine. 512 million square kilometers of land will fall under our power. We will put an end to Zionism and treasonous Christianity.” Hamas has gone further than ISIS itself.

“Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007, killing hundreds of people. It even threw political opponents off rooftops.”

Hamas does not stop at calling for the conquest of the entire planet. Hamas broadcasts have repeatedly called for the “annihilation of Jews and Christians to the last one.” This was also the order of the Sunni Islamic leader Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawiwho called on Muslims to “complete the work of Hitler“.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallahsaid that “it is excellent that the Jews are concentrated in Israel, because then there will be no need to persecute them throughout the world and the final and complete solution will be implemented on Israeli soil.”

Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007, killing hundreds of people. Even throwing political opponents off rooftops.

In Gaza, education for the extermination of Jews begins today in kindergartens. Despite this, the international community has offered its help to Hamas in exchange for a change of policy. HaniyehHamas leader declined the offer.

In 2014, EU ministers offered their help in exchange for the “demilitarization of all terrorist organizations.” They even presented a detailed plan. The Council of the European Union also presented an official proposal based on “rehabilitation in exchange for demilitarization.” Hamas’s new leader, Yahya Sinwarmade it clear again in 2017 that “Hamas will never recognize Israel.”

In 2018, the EU reiterated its position of demilitarization in exchange for reconstruction. This did not help at all. Prosperity or Terrorism? Industry of Well-being or Death? Hamas Has Chosen Terrorism.

A senior Hamas official, Mouchir al-Masripreviously clarified what a ceasefire is for Hamas: “A truce in the dictionary of resistance means preparation for the next campaign. Our resistance will continue to fill and develop arsenals and produce amazing new components for future systems.”

This is exactly what Hamas did.

Why is this happening? Because Hamas is an organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. Already in 1938, its founder, Hassan al-Banagranted the organization self-determination in one of his articles, calling it a “death industry.” No welfare. No prosperity. No rehabilitation. No education. Death.

This article was written after the Great Arab Revolt which began in 1936. Some five thousand Palestinian Arabs were massacred, most by murderous bands of Hajj Amin al-Husseiniwho later joined the Nazis and advocated the extermination of the Jews.

This did not prevent Al Bana from writing in his article “you have taught the people of Islam the pleasure, beauty, splendor and good reward that exist in the work of death.”

Fathi HamadOne of the leaders of Hamas confirmed this in his own words: “Death among the Palestinian people has become an industry.” It goes without saying that the majority of the victims of jihad, then as now, are Muslims.

Hamas’ ideology, rejection of the international community’s proposals and insistence on maintaining isolation despite the suffering of the people of the Gaza Strip do not concern “progressive” circles much. Self-deception is self-destructive.

“A detailed study of the Hamas Health Ministry’s death figures shows that they are falsified”

Almost all the world’s news channels have repeated the data from the UN and OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) according to which “women and children represent almost 70% of the death toll in Gaza.”

Four publications have refuted the data. Statistically Impossible: A Critical Analysis of Hamas’ Death Toll of Women and Childrenwrote three researchers, Tom Simpson, Lewis Stone And Gregory Rose in the magazine Fatvom.

The professor Abraham Wyner refuted Hamas’ figures in the magazine Compressed: How Gaza’s Health Ministry Falsifies Casualty Figures.

Gabriel EpsteinWashington Institute research assistant, wrote: “International media and NGOs have repeated the group’s figures without warning, lending credence to suspicions of Israeli misconduct and fueling accusations of war crimes and even genocide.”

“The fact is,” Epstein wrote in his detailed investigation, “that Hamas is manipulating the Gaza death toll.” In a second report, Epstein wrote that the Gaza death toll has no credibility.

Another report, this one from Honest Reporting, revealed that “a detailed study of the Hamas Health Ministry’s death toll shows that it is falsified.”

Finally, even OCHA, the UN agency that distributed the data based on Hamas’s health ministry, looked at the death toll in Gaza and concluded that there were “nearly 50 percent fewer women and children than expected.”

Benjamin Netanyahu in front of a map of the Gaza Strip.


One of the Hamas leaders, Fathi Hamadsaid: “We use women and children as human shields. They tell the Zionist enemy that we yearn for death as you yearn for life.”

And yet, Israel must fight Hamas terrorists only and exclusively within the limits of international law. The question, of course, is how to fight groups like ISIS and Hamas.

The countries of the free world faced a dilemma similar to that of Israel when ISIS had to be uprooted from entire regions of Iraq and Syria, particularly the cities of Mosul and Raqqa, which was the capital of the Islamic State.

Well, in Mosul, 65% of the city’s buildings were destroyed. In Raqqa, 70% were destroyed. Western countries, especially the United States and Britain, did not participate in the war on the ground. They only helped with aerial bombardments.

Over the past two decades, the “war on terror” has been fought in three major theaters: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. According to a report by Brown University’s Wilson Institute, 71 percent of those killed in November 2018 were civilians.

It is therefore worth noting that even the most serious accusations against Israel do not speak of 70% innocent victims, and certainly not of 90%.

In 2014, the American intellectual Sam Harris published an article that concluded: “The truth is that we all live in Israel. Some of us just don’t get it.” In time, the free world will.

There is only one question left. Will tens of millions of deaths be necessary, or can the axis of evil be stopped now, at much lower cost?

*** Ben-Dror Yemini is a lawyer, researcher, journalist, speaker and author of the book “The Industry of Lies”..




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