Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 12:14 am
HomeTop StoriesIsrael kills top Hezbollah commander in 'targeted strike' south of Beirut

Israel kills top Hezbollah commander in ‘targeted strike’ south of Beirut

Ibrahim Aqilcommander in chief from Hezbollahdied in the bombing of Israel against a building in the suburbs of Beirut. After confirmation from the army from Israel That the “selective attack” directed against the places had a clear objective, the AFP agency assured that sources close to Hezbollah confirmed the death of Aqil in the Israeli offensive.

“The bombing was directed against the head of the Al Radwan force, Ibrahim Aqil, deceased”a Lebanese source told the aforementioned news agency.

According to Reuters, two security sources confirmed that Aqil was killed along with other members of the elite Radwan unitof Hezbollah, during a meeting.

The attack left at least nine dead and 59 injured.

The Israeli bombing of the aforementioned building in the southern suburbs of Beirut left at least nine dead and 59 injuredaccording to the Ministry of Public Health from Lebanon.

In total, three explosions resonated in the area, leaving the attacked property completely destroyeda witness to the attack who asked to remain anonymous told EFE.

This is the Third Israeli bombing against Dahye since the crossfire between Hezbollah began almost a year ago. In the previous two, they killed the political number two of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri, and the then-chief commander of Hezbollah, Fouad Shukr.




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