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HomeBreaking NewsIsrael raises its iron wall in Gaza and Lebanon again

Israel raises its iron wall in Gaza and Lebanon again

On October 7, 2023, Israel experienced the darkest day in its history. Hamas’s savage and devastating surprise attack claimed the lives of more than 1,300 civilians. More than two hundred people were kidnapped. It also derailed one of Israel’s main axes of survival: deterrence against its enemies.

That day, the Israeli defense and security forces were overwhelmed. Its powerful and sophisticated cyber controls have failed. His soldiers were caught off guard. Israeli citizens and the world watched as Hamas terrorists were murdered at will in the victims’ homes. They also watched helplessly as hundreds of people were kidnapped and marched into Gaza.

The terrorists did not even have their faces covered. It took more than thirty-six hours to bring the situation under control. Israel was considered before October 7 as the hegemonic military power in the region and one of the greatest military powers in the world.

Funeral of Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.


The military and moral blow was devastating. A total humiliation.

Since its birth, Israel has guaranteed its existence on the basis of the doctrine of Iron walla strategic concept invented in 1923 by the revisionist Zionist leader Zeev Jabotinskyintellectual father of Likud, the prime minister’s party Benjamin Netanyahu.

Jabotinsky, whose movement did not become a majority when Israel was founded, established itself in the army and in the establishment Politically, a central idea, which remains to this day: the only way for the Zionist project to prosper is to make its Arab neighbors understand, through superior military force, that the Jews are here to stay and not to be thrown into the sea.

For decades, the Iron wall This proved to be a success, as Israel won every war it waged against its neighbors and responded forcefully to every aggression. Today, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates already know that Israel is not going to disappear and recognize it as a reality.

“A total of 8,000 missiles were launched from Lebanon against Israeli cities last year”

Until last year, Lebanon, Syria or Iran, even if they did not accept the existence of Israel, They did not dare to escalate militarily because they knew the result..

However, on October 7, huge cracks opened in this iron wall. Cracks through which the unprecedented emboldening of their enemies slipped.

The deterrent effect that Israel had built up over decades and had cost a lot of money to consolidate had disappeared.

The Hamas attacks were followed by the massive launch of missiles into northern Israel by Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist group controlled by Iran, Israel’s main enemy. In one of the most intense bombings, last July, twelve Druze children died in the municipality of Majdal Shams.

In total, 8,000 missiles were launched from Lebanon against Israeli cities last year. Even from Yemen, 2,200 kilometers away, Houthi rebels launched drones that hit central Israel. More precisely, Tel Aviv.

But the most telling evidence of the disintegration of the Iron Wall was the launch of more than three hundred missiles and drones by Iran on April 13. A massive and total bombardment, over the entire country, accompanied by dozens of missiles launched by Hezbollah on the Golan Heights.

The attack tested Israeli air defenses and required assistance from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to repel it. If any of the warheads on these missiles had carried biological or nuclear weapons, Today we would live on another planet.

Although Israel responded with airstrikes on Iranian military bases, its deterrent capability, that is, forcing its enemies to think twice before attacking, was already destroyed.

Since then, Israel has not only been waging a seemingly endless war in Gaza. It is also trying to rebuild the Iron Wall.

Iranian citizens lay flowers in front of the Iranian embassy in Lebanon.


The elimination of the Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyehon July 31, in Tehran itself, in a security compound where Haniyeh believed himself safe, demonstrates not only the operational reach of the Israelis, but also their willingness to attack their enemies, however elusive or distant they may be.

Similarly, the coordinated and simultaneous explosions of the pagers and walkie-talkies of thousands of Hezbollah members in Lebanon and Syria (including the Iranian ambassador, Mojtaba Amaniwho lost an eye), an operation that surprised the world with its expertise, demonstrates the recovery of a technological and psychological power that the Israelis had lost.

Over the past few weeks, Israel has proven that it can penetrate the most secure channels of its enemies and eliminate them at will..

“The astonishing action of the last 48 hours in Lebanon is reminiscent of the most legendary operations of the Israeli army and intelligence services”

Military logic indicates that after decapitating the middle cadres, a large-scale operation against Hezbollah should proceed. But this did not happen. The goal was to send a clear message.

In this sense, the words of the Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli army, Hartzi Haleviin the aftermath of the explosions, leave no room for ambiguity: “We have many capabilities against Hezbollah that we have not yet activated. We, with every step we take, have already planned the next two steps. And with every step we take, the price Hezbollah will pay will become even higher.“.

This astonishing action is reminiscent of the most legendary operations of the Israeli army and intelligence services, such as the daring rescue of Entebbe in 1976, which consolidated its reputation as a nation. who did not understand borders or limits when it came to defending themselves or protecting their citizens.

The conflict with the Palestinians and the constant and growing tension in the Middle East are far from being resolved. Much less in a peaceful and consensual manner. That is true.

Therefore, at this point, The Israelis will not extend a hand, even if diverted from Washington, until they regain their deterrence..

Restoring deterrence is not just about defending against future attacks. It also seeks to reaffirm Israel’s position as the greatest military power in an increasingly unstable and hostile region. Especially after the destruction of the myth of Israeli security by Hamas terrorists.

The events of recent weeks show that Israel is fully determined to regain this deterrent powerbrick by brick.

*** Elías Cohen is a lawyer and professor of international relations at the Francisco de Vitoria University.




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